[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011."] Sus,—In the Romanes Lectures at Oxford Mr. Asquith omitted to point out that all the prominent men he named were born and brought up under the aristocratic period of government which pre- vailed until 1832, the year of the first Reform Bill; Le., they were born during the Georgian period. The orators and mediocrities who have brought the country to its present pass were all born during the middle-class and democratic Victorian Era. "By their fruits shall ye know them."—I am, Sir, &c., 6 Tale Road, Bournemouth. H. N. ROBSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
[This is not in any case a valid argument against democracy, since democracy has to be accepted, as the Duke of Wellington and his contemporaries admitted. It is a case of democracy or revolution. Our task therefore is not to seek an alternative to democracy, but to improve democracy.—ED. Spectator.]