[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] S112,—Have you room for this, which seems worth printing? Assuctos tauri coitus, assueta eones Antra petunt — "The lions seek their......
" Stunt."
[To roc EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] &a,—May I venture to express my regret that in the article ''Prisoners of War" in your isslie of May 25th you have admitted to your columns......
The Victorian Era.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011."] Sus,—In the Romanes Lectures at Oxford Mr. Asquith omitted to point out that all the prominent men he named were born and brought up under......
Po E Try.
STONEHENGE. GAUNT on the cloudy plain Stand the great Stones, Dwarfed in the vast reach Of a sky that owns All the measure of earth Within its cloud-hung cave. Dumb stands the......
TIDAL LANDS.* IT is significant that an engineer and a botanist should have joined in writing this very able and interesting book on shore problems. Their collaboration......
The Church Of England And Nonconformists. [to The Bettor Of
THE "SPECTATOR."] Sna—With shame and bitter sorrow I read the letter of a "Pres- byterian father" in your issue of Tune 8th with referenCe to the conduct of a chaplain at the......
A Boarding-school For Working Men's Children.
[To 72£ EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] &u,—We beg to draw your attention to an experimental boarding- school recently started for the children of working men. It was the Outcome of......
Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agree- ment with the views therein expressed or with the mode......