[To roc EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] &a,—May I venture to express my regret that in the article ''Prisoners of War" in your isslie of May 25th you have admitted to your columns the hideous imologue quoted above P A language is, no doubt, enriched by the introduction of new words to express New ideas or better to express existing ideas. But what can he said in favour of a word used indifferently for a newspaper agita- tion; a trick flight by an airman; a one-day battle as at Messines; a campaign as on the Somme in 1918; or, in ehort, anything for which the speaker is too ignorant or too indolent to find an appro-
priate English word ?—I am, Sir, &e., A. E. Deena B.E.F.
[New things require new words. We would rather that " stunt " were used loosely and variously in its present experimental stage than that the language should be—may we say P—stunted.—ED. Spect«tor.]