to de- to Impress- in the — of 82,179/. N; Ma- " relieving Judicial not
No. 1. Mr. Becence HAM'S Motion on the 4th March, for a Committee vise means of manning the Navy without having recourse
went. Majority marked A ; Minority N; Absent —
.-- 2. Mr. flumes Motion on the 7th of March, for air alteration
Corn- Laws. Majority marked A ; Minority N ; Absent
— 3. Mr. Hu ma's Motion on the 10th March, to refuse the grant for the support of the Volunteer Corps. Minority marked jurity not published. — 4. Mr. CUTIMERT RIPPOWS Motion On the 13th March, for the Archbishops awl Bishops fro:n the:r Legislative and
duties in the Mouse of Peers." Minority marked N; :Majority published.
1 ! 2
N N N N 7. \ "N
• I
1 i Abercrombie, J.. Edin. City. Acheson. Visa.. Artoreghshire Adam. Adro„ Mar. tilitnek.C. Idam.1, E. I I., Carmarthen C. A glionby, II., Coekermouth.. Agnew, :-ir A., Wigton C.. . . A Wimp, Visct., Nortlermp.. . Andover. IA., Malniesbory . . Anson, lion. IL, Yarmouth.. Alison, Sir G.. Lichfield . . . . Atisley, Lord, Cirencesb r . . . Arbuthnet, Gen. i L. Kintwrd. A wdidn11, 4: VII .FermannyltC. Ashley, Lor.1, Dorsetshire. . . ,- Istley, Sir I, Norfilik, W. . . Utley, Sir .1. D., IIIItshire,iV. Atherley, A.. Switkampton .. Attwood, M , Whiteharrn. ..
Attwooal, T., Birminihant ...
Bairn.% .1. E., Bristol . . Baines, E., /.redo IN liainbriage. E. T.. Taunton lisildmiii, I tr.. Cork City ... 1-
Balfour, J.. ItaddirWon 1-
dankes, W, .1., Dorset C.. • l Ilannermatt.A...-Ificrdcon City 1-
Baring. A , Esser N '
[tAtiu:4, F. T., Portsmouth I
'taring. W. B. Winchust,r I-
taring;, II. It Marlb•ruitgla
lining. F.. Thetford itarnard, E. G „Greenwich . :N
3arnett, .1. C.. .3laidstose . . I-
Barron, II. W., Waterfiwd Ci !-
Burry G. S.. Cork C IN Bateson. Sir R., Derry C.... I- Eleanolerk. Mai A.,Serry, E. ,N leamintint,T.W.,Northae: g, I- kiorast. !...:....i; or. Antrim C... I . ICH, M., Northam. E. ...... 1- aellew, R. M., Louth C. .... , Itenett, .1. Wiltshire, S. .... I Bentinek,i.d.G. King's Lynn ' Berkeley. Iron. Berkeley. lion. G U. Moue. tY. ; lin. C. F.. Clwiten. IA Bernal. R. Rochester , liernariLlin.W.Handonbridye I-
Bethel'. It.. York. E... .. . . :
314141141a, It. al., Pcnhigh C. i_... Ilialdulph. R.. Her■fiird City. I !fish, 'I .. Leominster INN
Make. M. J.. Galway ,N
Blackburn, .1„ sluddt.rVie:d 1-
Blackstone, W. Wallinyerd Blake. Sir F., Berwick I ilakeney. W.. Carlow C. . I- Bland flint. Itlar.ol, Woodstock I- Blame.. W., ('nab, riand, E. :- Malley. Capt. C., Monah. C. 1- Blurt. Sir C. It.. Lewes .. . .
lolling, W.. i
loss, J. G.. Northailertort. . louverie, Iloo. 11., Smisbury Bowes, 3.. Durham ' learn. T.. r..y...,/,
iriges. R ..1., 11,1;0 ,.
trig•dock, W.P.. .,,,,,, rs. 1,E.
Irist4B., .1. I.. Nano, E.. - N
- -
A'- N •-• N N - A A • - -
- - - -
A . A
- -
- - A - A - A - A N N N N
N N -
- -
• - - - A
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A A A N - A •
A - • A N
A A.
- A
- -
A A N A T4 A A A N
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(1 2 N A IN N - N - N A A A - A A A A - A N N - - - - I • N i A N i A A
N N A -
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.t A - - - N - A - A A • - A A A
• - —
- -
- - A • - A - • A A - A - A A A -'A 1. A - A - - - -
N - - • N N - -
- •
- •
- - -
A A N - - - - -
N A N - A I - A
- A - A '3 4
N Brodie, W. B., Satishury . • .
Itrotherton, .I.. Salford Harliam, J. Kesetat Brougham, W.. Southwark .
Browiw, IL, Mayo C.
Browne, J., Mayo C.. Bruce, Lord E.. Marlborough Bruce.C. I...Inrerness Burghs 'Inuit-nal, Id...Northamp. N. Butekinglcon. J. S., Shcllie/d. Bulkelaiy,Sir R. W., .Inyle:ea Buller, C., Liskeard Buller, .1. W„ Exeter Boller, E.,Staflitrd. N Butted .1., Peron. .S.'
i Iliilwer, E. 1... Lincoln inilwer. II. 1.„ Corcntry . . ,
Hamlett, Sir F. II; stminster
Burrell, Sir C.. Shoreham
Ilartill, II. 1'., Beverley . . . Butler, Hon. P., Kikentry . . Buxton,T. F.. Weymouth.. . l Ilyng. sir J. Bode
' !tyke, (1.. Middleser
Callender, .1. II., Argyle C.
I CAli•TAil, It. II.. ll'areham . , Cavley. E. S, Vorkqiire, N Callaghan, D.. Cork City • . • 1 Caney, T., criodade I Calvert, N.. H. rtford C.
i CamplwII, Sir J., Dudtey
I Carew, R. S., We rfitrd C
Carter, .1. IL, l'ortsmauth . .
Cartwright.W „Not-thump. S Castlereagh, Vis., Down C 1 Cavendish. Loral, Peer,- iv 1 (.7'.:....Zin;141, tin. C.,Susse.r, E. ■ 1 Caven1ish.Col.11., Derby Tn.
Cayley. Sir G. Scarborough. .
' Chanties, Mar.. Backs I Chaplin, T.„ Stamford ' Chapman, A., 11 idtby i Chapman. M. I. , Westmeath I Chayter, W. R. C., Durham. I Chaytor, Sir W., Sunderland . 1 ClielMAndl.Calit.W.SMiliffit Chichester.J.P.B.BarnAtaph I Chichester, Lord A., Betfirst 1 Childers,.:. J. W ..Cambridge C 1 Christmas.J.. HeterferdCito I Clay, W.. Tower Hamlets . . . ' Clayton. Lient.-Col. Marlow
' Clive, E. IL, Mrtfitrd Clive. lion. R. IL, Salop.S..
Clive, Vis. Ludlow
Clements. Vis.. Leitrim
Coldiett, W.. Oldhion Co.d:erell. Sir C., Eresham. ' t 'oAl i .. Orin. Sir h., Puma/kW Colo. I Ion. A.. Enniskillen . . Cole, Via . Fermanaildhire . .
(701lier..1., Plumou'h Coliin11011n,J. 4'.. !)umhar. C.
Conon!. , CBI, Meier/BIC rookes. T. II . Mar:ester, E Cooper. E . Sh ('
Copr. lion. A.. Dorchester
Cart W, Sir C.. fite, en's C...
1`. ..11....1 Al I I' / • '
Mrs:arks. N•uxs.
1 2
3 4
Cornish. James, 'fulness . . . . Cony, lion. IL Tyrone . . . . Cotes, J., Salop, N Crawford. W.. Londe's..
Crawley, S., Bedford Thum Cripps, J., Cirencester Crompton, J.. Ripon Cullers. E. B., Rye
Curteis. U. B., Susses., E. .
Dalrymple, Sir J., Edin. C Dalmeny, Lord, Stirling . . .
Daly. L. Galway C Dare, R. W. II., Essex. S. .
Darlington, Earl of, Salop,S. Dashnooll, G. 11, Bucks. .. .
Daveuport, J., Potteries Davies, T. IL, Worcester . .
Dawson, E. Leicester. S. . .
Denison, I.J.. Nottinghant,S
Denison, W. J., Surry. W Dick. Q., lire/don
Dillwyn, L. W.. Glautoryan
Divert. T.. E refer Dubbin, I.., Armagh Dunkin, Sir R., Berwick . .
Duffield, V. T.. Abingdon . .
Dugdale, W. S.. Warwick, N Dumdum's, Vis., Nottingham Duncombe, ilon.W„ Yerk,N.
Ditudas, Hon. T., York Durolas, Hon..). Richmond
Dundas. II n. Sir R., Richmond Dundas,Cap.J. D„Oreenisich Dunlop, .1., Kilmarnock Durham, Sir P.C. II. /krises Dykes, E. L.B., Cockermouth Eastnor, Vis . Reigate Ebrington. Vis.. Devon, N..: Edwards, Col. Montgomery .
Egerton, W.. Cheshire, N
Ellice, Edward, Coventry Elliott. Hon. G., Ro.rburgh .
Ellis, W., Leicester
Estcourt, T. B., 0.rford Cnir.
Etwall, R., Andover Evans, Colonel, Westminster
Evans* V., l'icester
Evans, G. Dublin C
Ewart, W'., Liverpool Ewing. j.. rikugo„,
Faithful, G., Brighton Fancourt, Major, Barnstaple Fazakerley, J., Peterborough Fellowes, IL Andueer Fellowes lion N Devon N
Fenton, C,. ' - ' N. r mton, C.„ Iludderclield. . . .
Fenton, J., Rochdale Fergusson.Sir It..Nottingkam Fergusson, G., Banff C. . . . . Fergussou.Sirit.f,ondonderry Fergusson, R.. Dysart
Fergusson. R.C.Kirkendbrt
Fiellien, W., Blackburn Fielden, J.. Oldham Finch, G ,Stainli,cd Finn, W. F.. Kilkenny C. ..
Fitzgerald, T., Louth C
FitzgibbomIlln.R..Limericke Fitzrey, Col. J.. Thelfitrd . .
Fitzroy, Loral C.. Bury S. E
Fitnininn, t!„ Dublin C
Fit zsimon. N.. King's C•• • • • Fleetwood, IL, Preston Fleming. Ailm . Stirling Foley, E . Hereftrd C Foley, J. 11. It.. Droiterich . ['takes, Sir W., :Arorfia/k, W.
Forbes, Lord, LongfOrd
Foriluich. Canterbury Forester. II is. G. C.. Wenlock
Forster, .1. C., Walsall Fort, J., Clitheroe Fox, S L., I felctone
PBX, Lieut.-Col., TirciMuek
Franklaud, Sir it.. Thirsk Fremantle.Sir T., BUI /darn
French, F../toseommon C Era er, R.. Irolrerhatnphat .
Galway, J. M. Waterfitrd C Gasket!. J. M.. 11-enlock ...
Gaskell, D., WO/Vittri
(Idiot,, W. D., Falkirk
Gisborne, T.. Derby. .V.
Gladstone, W. E., Newark Gladstone, T., Port trlington Glynne, Sir S.. Min, Godson. IL, Kidderminster .
Gordon, IL. Crick:11,de Gordon, Cpt.W. Aberdeen C
Gore, M., Devizes Goring, IL D.. Shoreham Goulburn, il., Cambridge U
Grant, Rt.lin.C.,./arucss C Grant, R., Finsbury . Grant. F. W., F•/gin PI Nana Grattan, IL, Meath C.
Grattan. J.. Wicklow C. . ..
Greene. T. G.. Lancaster . .
Greville, Sir C. J , Warwick Grey, Hon. Col , Wycombe Grey. Sir G.. Deconport
Grimstone, Vis., Herta C.
Gronow, Cpt. R. ILST/Urrini GIABAt.nor. Earl, Cheshire. . . Grosvenor, 1.4.11.,ChaTerCi.
Grote, G., London Guest, J. J.. Merthyr Tydfil Guise, Sir 11.W., Gloucester, E.
GIIlly, J. Pontefract Ilale0Bili, J.. Dorm* lialyburton, D. G.. Forfitr C. Halteril, II.. Leicester, S.. . . .
Hall. B., Jkatuouth liaise, J., St. Ices
I lallilley, Ii.. Lincoln, S. .. . •
Ilaudley, B., Boston Handley, W. F., Newark Hamer, Sir J.,Shrewsbury
/Ulmer, Col., Aylesbury .1 Harcourt, G. V., Orford C
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A • - A
• N
• A - A - A N A N • - - • N - A - • A • - N - N N N N N A A - A - - - A A N A • A A
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3 4
N N — —
Hardy, J., Brad rd Harding., sir 11., illlitICFMOB I larland, W., Durham ilarvey, D. W. Colchester Hawes, B., Lambeth
Haw kins, J. II.. Newport I lay, Col. I.., Elgin Dist.
II:ayes, Sir E„ Donegal C I lay, Sir J., Peebles C. It, athcote, Sir G., Rutland C
i I leatheote. G. .1. Lincoln C Ileatheote, J.„ Tiverton
, lien...lee, G. F'.. LiSCO/t1 • ' Henniker. Lord. SufIldk E. Herlwrt, Bon. S., Wilts, S. 2. Heron. Sir R., Peterborough Berries, Rt. H n.J . C. Hand.
11111, Lord A., Dowse Hill, Sir IL, Salop, N
Hill. a''.. D., Hutt Hill, Lord M., Newry Hodges. T. L.. Kent, W Hodgson, J., Newcastle ..
Hope, Sir A.. Linlithw. C.. Hope, II. T.. Gloucester . I lornhy, E . Warrington . . Borne, Sir W.. Maryietione.
Hoskins, K., Hereford C. :lot ham. Lord. Leorniarder •
liouldswurth, T., Notts.N Howard. lin. E. G., .111orpeth Howard. P. H.. Carlisle Howard, U., Wicklow Bow ick, Vis..Northumb. IV Hudson, T., Ereskaw Hughes, Hughes, Orford Ci Home, J., Middlesex Humphrey. J., Southwark Hurst, IL, Horsham
Hutt. W., 11.11 ilyelt, W., Stroud
Ingham, It.. South Shields . Ingilby,SirW. A., Lincoln. S. Inglis, Sir R. 11..0J:ford L.
Dion, John. Cumberland.
Jacob. E.. Dumyat-ran
James, W., Carlisle Jeffrey, F.. Ld. Ad., Edin. C
Jeplkson, C. D. 0.. Mallow .
Jermyn. Earl, Bury Jerningliam. Iln. II., Pont f
Jenis.)., Chester Johnstone, Sir J. V., SCarboli Johnstone. J. J. IL, Dumfries Johnstone, A., St. Andrew's. Johnstone, Sir F., Weymouth J011iffe. Colonel. H. Jones, Capt.T., Londondy.0 Keane, Sir R., /Pitterford C.
Kemp, T. It.. Lewes Kennedy, T. F., Ayr Kennedy .1., Tirertun Kerrison. Sir E. Bt., Eye Kerry, Earl of. Caine
Reppc11. lin. G., Norfolk, E King, E. B., Warwick Knatchbull, Sir E.. Kent, E 'Knox, Iln. Col. J..1, Dung. Labouchere, II., Taunton . . .
Later, I'.. Queen's C Lamb, lion. G.. Derigarron Lambert. 11., Wexford C.
Lambkin, 11., Durham, N. .
Lamont, Norman. Wel l s .
Langdale. U.. Beverley
Langston, I. II., Orford City La lost on.Col.G., Somerset, E.
Leach, J., Sorry. W L. IL, Wilts Lefes re, C. S., Hants, N. . .
Lefroy, Dr. T.. Dublin lair
Lefroy. A.. f,ono.finrd C
Lemon, Sir C., Cornwall. E Lennard, Sir 'F. B.. Esser, S
Lena:mi. T. B., Maldon Lenuox, Lord A, Chichestfr Lennox, Lord G., Sussex. W Lennox. Lon' W., kit's. Lynn Lester, H. 1.... Poole Lewis, Rt. 11n. T_Radnor C
Lincoln, Earl uf. Notts, S 1.ister, E., Bradford Littleton, E. J., S'AyThrol. S
Lloyd, J. Ii., Stockport
Loch, J., Kirkwall. tic Locke, W., Derizes Lopez, Sir R. F., Westbury Lowther, Vis., Cumberkna . Lowther, Col., Westmoreland Lumley, Vie., Nottingham. N. Lushington.Dr. S., Tower H I.yall, G. Landon Lygon,Col.H.B.. ll'orcestsW
Lynch. A. II., Galway Maberley, Col. W., Chatham Macaulay, T. B. Leeds . . . . Mackenzie,L.Ro'ssPiCromrty
Macleod, It., Sutherland C
31'Narnara, W., Clare
AFNarnara, F.. Ennis . ..., Mattocks. J., Denbigh Mandeville, Vis., Huntingdon
Mancles,.1., Guildfitrd Manners, Ld.R., I,eicester,N. MarPwitianks, C., Berwick C Marjoribanks, S., Ilythe ... .
Marryar, .1., Sandwich
Marshall..1. Leeds
Marsland, T., Stockport .. • • Martin, J.. Siiga 'Martin, J., Tewkesbury Martin, T., Galway C Maxfield, W, GrivisAy
Maxwell, 11., Cavan C
Maxwell. .1. W., Itownpatrich Maxwell. Sir .1., Paisley ..
Manuel], J, Lanark C
Methuen, P., Wills, N Me% nell. Capt. II., Li,berne Mifdinay, P. St..I., Winchest
Miller, W. 11., Newcastle
Mills, .1., &Molter • , Sharpe, Gen., ThonFries . - N Miles, W., K. Somerset II A Shaw. F., Dahlia Cul. - • Mosley, Sir 0.. St (P N - - Smith. lion. IL, Wycombe . . - A i Murray. J. A., Leith A N Smith, T. A., Camay con C.. - - Newark, V in,East &lord - A Spencer. llii. F., 211alhurst .. - - Norreys, Lord. Orford C.... - A Stanley, E. G , Lancaster, N A A O'Connell,.Ntorgau, Meath C. N N .N N Stewart, E., Iligtman.Dis.. - - O'Dwyer, A. C., Drogheda NNNN Stewart,Sir M.S., Renfrew C. - A Oliphant, L., Perth - - N N Strap, E., Derby N N onnene. earl or. Perth C. . , • N Surrey, Earl of,,shasser, Ir. . , A • Oswald, It. A. Ayr C N N N N Talbet, C. IL M., Glamorgan — A Patten, J. W., Lail-aster, N - - Tonere& H. W.. Banbery . . . • N Palmer, Gem, Bath - N Taylor, M. A., Sudbury - - Parker, J., Sheffield A N Thomson, C. l'., Manchester. A N Peel, Col. J., Huntingdon . . - A rumens, Col. IL. Bolton .. . . • vi 'Nutcase, J. S., Southampton A N Townshend,1.41.C.Tamtcorth A A Perrin. Sere., ltionTillan .. . - - Trevor. G. R., Carmarthen . A A Phillips, sir 4;.. Gimmick, S. - A '1'ynte, C. J. K.. Somerset, fl' - A Plimpotis,J., Gloucester . ... • N Tyrell, .L.T.. Esser. N - A Pollock. e.. Huntinyrion . - - Vernon, G fl.. Fast Reybra - A Pool ter, J., Stortieshory N - Villiers, Lord. Tholiton - A Price. R., Radnor - - V s vyan, Sir R., Bristol A - Punt, G.. Cambridge 1,1 A Wall, C. IL Getildflail A • Reid, Sir J. It., Durex ...... - A Walter, J.. Berks - N N Riekford, W., Aylesbury , - • Warm, J. A.. Hastings A A Roberts, A. W., Maidstone . A • Watson, tin. 'LOP:ter:bury - • Romilly, E., Ludlow N X White, S., Leitrim - - Kemper, J. II., Huntingdon • A Migney. J., Brighton N N Runewhi, C. E., Yarmouth.. N A Williams. T. P., Markm.., - • elitheni, E.inn. Kildare C NNNN Wood, Alderman. London . • N N ititaiit. Vis . Lirerpool .... A A %Void, G. W., bannister, S. A N Seale. Lt..; '01., Dartmouth - - Yorke. Capt, C. P.,Crtinby.0 .1 A A O'Connell, C., Kerry C. - - Staveley. J. K...Rippon AANN Phinipp,, (7. M., Leicester.N. - - Turner. W., Maribor* - N N Roche, VV., Limerick City , , — — N Wemyss, J., Fife C. —ANN Parrot, J., Totness
AlEAllit.HAI' 1%•Nts. 11 2 3 4 IblEmer.lis' N ANItS. I 2:3 4
ilton. Vis Northaraptn,A - - Stmwe, It. N.. SO.4 N • I CHURCH AND STATE—CASE OF THI Moreton. Hun. IL. Gluui•r. Is'. - A I Simeon, Sir It.., isle of Wight N A .'The Dissenters are not satisfied-they cannot he satisfied-with their Moreton. Ile. A.. Gioncr. IV.. A A Sinclair, G., Caithness N — tiou. They elaitn the EQUALITY of citizens. They do not ask t , be 1 Morpeth, Vise., YorkshireX • N • Skipwitti, Sir G..Wararick,S A — the Churchman ; they cannot submit to be placed beneath him." Morrison. J., /pmeich N N Stoney, R. A., Shrewsbury.. - - ! Case of the Di MOityn, Ho. E. M. L., Kinn; A A Smith, J., Rucks C. - A l IT no longer answers the purpose of place-hunting poll Mullins, F. W., Kerry C.... - - Smith. J. A., Chichester • • the candidates for popular favour, to represent dissent Nagle, Sir It., Westmeath . - - Smith, R. V., A'orthoropto.l. . A N Church as synonymous with disaffection to the State. Ti Neale, Sir H., Lyminytan . . • A' Somerset, Lentil,. Nonmh. C. -, A is now in opposition ; and the rulers of the land deri Neeld, J., Chippenham .. .. . - • Spuinkie, Serg„ Finsbury. .. . — derive, their principal support from the Dissenters. T Nichol, .1., Cardiff' A A Spry, S., ROIIMill A to be an unnatural state of things; and Ministers are cv Noel, Sir G. N.. Rutland C.. - - Stanley, E. J. Cheshire, N - N a false position. They are under an obligation, as they North, Frederick, /las/in* . A • Stanley, 11. 'I'.. Prestos . . A N defend the Church Establishment, which is hostile to thee O'Brien, C • Clare - - StahleY, E.. Cumberland. Tr. A — the attacks of the Dissenters, who form the great majorit O'Callaglian,llon.C.„ Tippry, - A, , Staunton, Sir G., Hants, S... N • to whom they are indebted for their present power. Son O'Connell, D., Dublin City . . N N N 'N Stowell, Colonel. !amide - - must be made, whatever may be the consequence. O'Connell, J., Finn/hail .. .., N X Stewart, Sir H., Tyrone C - A possible that the Dissenters should continue to uphold a O'Connell, Maurice, Tralee .' N N Stewart, J., Lymington A A which thwarts them. On the other hand, the Church: O'Connor, IL, Roscommon ... - - , Stewart, P. AL Lancaster - N degree conciliated by the sort of left-handed defence of it we. , F., Cork C N A Stewart, It., Muldinytms ... N N N privileges, which is all that Earl GREY and his colleagu O'G rady, 1ln. Col.S.,Limk.C. - - Strickland, G. York, W.. . . . • N The policy of Ministers, at the opening of the sessio O'Neil, lin. Go. J „ Antrim C. - - Stuart, Lon! D. C.. Arundel N A do as little as possible fin' the Dissenters. With this vi O'Reilly, W.. Dundalk N is N Stuart, IV Bedford C. - A JOHN RUSSELL introduced his Marriage Bill; which oni, w., Newport N N Still ivan,lt., Kilkenny - A seaters have universally scouted as a miserable abortiot 0AstilAton,i.ord,AVOTZAANb.N. — • Sutton, Rt. 1ln. C., Cam. Uni - - care was taken, when this precious bill was introduce °snail', James, Glasgow .... N N N Talbot, J. II.,New Ross . . . . A — pledge the Government to any other measure for the Owen, H. O., Penthroks -- Talbot,W. II. F., Chippen4n,,, A — Dissenters. It was an experiment on the forbearance of Owen, Sir J., Pembroke C.. - - Talbot, James, rit/thme .. .. -,_ A body for whose relief it was avowedly intended. But i Ozmantown, IA., King's C - - Talmash, A. G., Grantham . - A experiment triet1 by very ignorant men, and no won& Paget, F., Deaumaris - A Tapps, G. W., Christchurch . - - failed. The election for Leeds, which indicated a dimi Paget, Sir C.. Carsarron A — Ta■ leure. W., Bridgewater.. - A the Ministerial strength, and the defeat of Sir JOHN C. Palmer, C. F., Reading A ,,A Tennant, J. E., Bedfast - • at Dudley, made the:Government in some degree cognizr Palmer, R., Berkshire A A Tennyson, C., Lambeth . . .. • N extent of their blunder. Certain other demonstrations of Palmerston, Vis.,Bants,S. A • ThicknessC. IL, Wigan N N ing strength and disaffection were probably presented Parker. Sir Hyde, Sefulk. W. A A Thompson, P. IL, York. E.. A A about the same time; and then it was proclaimed to ti Parnell, Sir IL, Dundee .. . . N N Thompson, Ald., SUMI, rimed. II N that other measures were in progress, and that the Man Pease, J., Durham S N A IN Todd, K., Bonitos A N N was only one of several, about to be introduced for the Pechell, Sir .1., Windsor .... A • Tooke, W., Truro - N the Nonconfortnists. Ministers, however, had lost their c Peel, Sir It., Tronworth A A Toilemache. Hon. A G - - In the last session, much was not expected from them ; Pelham. lion. C., Lincoln. S A A Tower, C. T., Threciela • A leaders of the Dissenting party, being patient and reasons Pendarves, E., Cornwall, E.. A • Townley, R. G.. Canby. C. - A made every allowance for the embarrassment of' their i Pennohlocke, J. II., Milton . - A Tracy, C. H., Tewkesbury . A A In this session, a redemption of old pledges, and actin Pepys. C. C., Melton - A Truitt, G., Orkney of Shet. h - A long-professed opinions, was expected ; but before the ses Pereeval. A., Sligo C. - - Trelawney, W. L.s..Corn. E N A N a month old, it became evident that Ministers had ni Petro. Hou. E.. York City A — Trowbridge. Sir E. F.,.S'andh. • A intention of doing, either the one or the other—except ni Peter, W. Bodmin - - Ttillanuire, Lord. Penryn , . A A pulsion. The Dissenters, being shrewd men in their ge Phillips. M.. Manchester ... . N N N Tynte, C. K. E.. Bridgewater - - They no longer place " confidence" in their rulers; t Phinipps.Sir It „tfarerfordw. - - Tyrell, C. Suirbik, W A A resolved to put the screws to Lords Git EV and Joitsr Russ. Pigott, R.. Bridyenorth - A Vanglian,Sir R.,11terioneth C. - - to let these statesmen into the secret of their strength. Pinney, W., Lyme A A Verney, Sir IL, Buckingham. - • In London, and in the principal towns in the county Phnon., J. P., Kent, E. .. N — Vernon, Hon. G. J., Derby,S N N especially in Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, and Ponsonby, W.F., Dorset. . - A Verner, Col. IL Armagh C.. - - meetings have been held, almost simultaneously, to repro Potter, R., Wigan N — N N Vigors, N. A.. Carlow -siNs: conduct of Ministers, and to petition Parliament, in lam Powell, Col. W „Cardigan C. - - Vincent. Sir F., St. Alban's N — unusual earnestness, for the redress of their grievances Poyntz. W. s.. Ashburton .. . - - Vivian, J. I1, Swansea - A are also preparing the means of making a still more foi Price, Sir R., I fereffird C. . . , A A Vh ion, Sir II, Train, - A demonstration. They are taking a census of the Dissenti Pringle, A., Scdtirk (.: A — N Walker, C. A., We.> ford .... — A N N lation of the country, and making lists of the number o Pryor, r., Cardigan - A Walker. R., Bury. Lancashire N N with the names of' the candidates for whom they voted, in Rae, Sir W. hart., Bidesh;re — • Wallace, IL. Greenock -ass; show Ministers by whom the Reforming majority of the 1 Ramsbottom, J., II indsor ... - - Wallace. T.. Carlow C. ...... N A Commons was returned. The Leicester census has be Ramsdell, J. C., Mallon .... A A Walsh. Sir J.. Sudbury - - pleted ; and it appears, that out of 32,755 persons, there Rive. T. S.. Cambridge A A Warborl011. IL, Bridport . . . N I'S' N N 11,555 Churchmen to 21,200 Dissenters ; that out of 2260 Richards, J.. Knaresborough - A is Irmilli, II, G., Sr. Abran's ... . A • who polled at the last election, 1107 are Dissenters, 986 1 Rider, T.. Kent, W. N • N Wagon, W. IL, Ipswich . N — N men, and 167 who belong to no religious sect; that out of i Ridley. Sir M. W.. Newcastle A A Waterpark. Lord. Derby,' • N Dissenting electors, 1024 voted for the Reformers, whit Ripon, (7.,Corteshead N N N Watkins, I.. V., Brecon A A N the 986 Churchmen, 811 voted for the Anti-Ministerial ca Robinson. G. R., WOrcester . N N Wedgewood. LP/decries.. A N There is no reason whatever to believe that the case of Lei Roche. D., Limerick City . .. N — 1,Velby. G. E.. Grantham. . - • a peculiar one. It is become a question of life or dea Roe, J., Cashed - • Weylatal, Major R.. arid. C. A A Ministers whether they irritate or endeavour to concili Rolfe, R., Penryn A X Whitbread. W. IL, Bedford . A A At present their policy seems to be conciliatory. A sy Rornilly. J.. Bridport N N N Whitmore, T. C., Bridynorth - - general registration, the abolition of church-rates, perrni: Ronayne, D., Clowned: - - wlitrmure, W. W.. Ilidcerh.. A N be married and buried according to their own forms, and Ross, C., Northampton A A Wilbraham. G., Chester, S.. A A admission to the Universities, will be conceded. But v Ross, If „ Montrose - • Wilks, J.. Bustin N N N N satisfy the Dissenters ? That is the important question; Reich. 8., Knoresbermigii... A A Williams, R.. Dorchester ... - A this may be granted, and yet the Establishmentwould !te Russell, C., Randiny - A Williams,W .A.,Monmouth C . - A touched. The answer is—assuredly not. A large propo Russell. Lord J J. Devon, S A A Williams, Col.. Ashton . . .. - ,.. the Dissenting body insist now upon the separation of Ch R imsell, Lord. Taristoek • N N Willoughliy.SirlI„Neweroth A A State; and those who forbear at present to press this point Russell, W. C , Worcester. E - • Wilmot, Sir J.E.,Waracick. N. - - petitions, do not pretend for a moment to conceal that thi R oilmen, E. S., Dublin City N N N N Winningion, Sir T.. Bern/ley - A mate views tro this length. In fact, their views must It!, le..L. Macclesfield A N WO011, C. Halititt A N length. None but the most contemptible of mankind will Rotation!, E. A.. Somerset... A A Wood, COL T.: Brecon C... • A A oppression an hour beyond the time when, with a due re Sanderson. It „ Cotchestcr .. - A Wrot tesley, Sir J., Steard. S A A t the general welfare of the community, they can shake it o searkit, Sir J., Nortria h. . . . • A Witalliam,W.11.,Ncrfitik. E A A I it may be said, " We are willing to remove practical gric scheior..1,1, J., Birmingham . N N Wisinington.H.J. Worcemrs - A / and then the Diss.:nters will have nothing to complain of icon. .1 .W .. Hants, N A A W ymie,C. W. W., Alontya•C A A : score of the Established Church." The reply to this is, ( Semis% G. P.. Stroud A N Yelverton,W.11.,Carmarthr n - - ' Dissenters are of a different opinion. Churchmen in gene: Felniuht. sir J.. fir Hs C. A A , N Young, J., Caren' not enter into the fhelings of the Dissenters on this poll Seymour. Lord. Tattness . . .. A N Young, G. F., Tlinewtouth • • •1N IS those feelings are nevertheless sufficiently acute to prompt Molesw tat h. Sir W., Corn. E. - N !RIM. R L., Tipperary N • N N Mulyneux, Ld.. Latscashire.S. - N Shuppent. 'r., Frome A N! DISSENTERS.
0' Ferrol', it. M., Kildare , . - A Stormont, Viscount.Normich A • make.
N N N N Thrckmorton, It. G., Berks N A Roebuck, J. A., Bath.. ....... N Whalley, Sir S.. Jfarylehone. — N N N Dissenters.
Russell. Lord F., Bedford C • 1- Williamson.Sirll,DurhamN. - - " Scott, Sir E. D., Lich/it-N.. • A A Wynn. Sir W. W., DenbighC - - i •