15 MARCH 1834, page 10

The Army.

WAR-OFFICE, March 14.-Royal Ilegt. by purchase, vice Fullerton. appointed to Lieut. by purchase. vice Ccrbet ; Bon. C. A. Paget. 2d Regt. of Dragoon Guards-Lieut. Dragoons. lobe......

The Divisions.

to de- to Impress- in the — of 82,179/. N; Ma- " relieving Judicial not No. 1. Mr. Becence HAM'S Motion on the 4th March, for a Committee vise means of manning the Navy without......

East India Shipping. Arrived—at Gravesend, March 100.....

Ben g al; and Militate% Monti, front Mauritius; awl Ilth, Lady Nunalaway, Mancrieff, front !Seagal. At Leith, 9th, Mary, Thompson, from Maurjtius. At the Cape, Dec. 30th, Jauet,......