15 MARCH 1834, Page 15


THE ninety-sixth anniversary of this excellent association was held on Friday, at Freemason's Hall; Earl Howe in the chair. The attendance both of members and visitors was unusually large ; arising, probably, from the excitement which the forthcoming Royal Festival has occasioned. The chief vocal features of the evening were two Madrigals, performed, principally, by the members of the Vocal Society, and conducted by Mr. TURLE : both were encored. The Glees were not happily chosen, and produced little effect. If the glee-writers of the present day bring their compositions into comparison with those of the greatest masters of vocal harmony that England ever produced, it behoves them to be cautious in their selection. A fine glee of WEBBE Cr Cam.corr may stand such a trial of its power ; but a composition which is merely correct, must sink under the en- counter. The instrumental pieces, which always form the peculiar feature of this entertainment, were perfect in every respect. The collection, though not so large as that of the Theatrical Fund anniversaries, was larger than usual.