A paragraph from Portsmouth, in the Courier of this evening,
men- tions, but not very intelligibly, an attack by a French cutter on some English fishing-boats. In retaliation, the cutter was captured, and carried into Jersey. This is the paragraph- Partsmou h. March 14. "'This day a person arrived here from Jersey, who reports that when he len. one of our fishing-boats had been tired into by the French armed cutter that is appainsted to superintend the French fishermen, and s•e to no eller nachment. lie adds, that one of our fishermen (Peter Burnett) was cut inn tan by a cannon-shot ; which so exasperated the different vessels, that they boarded the Freach cutter anti carrits1 her into Jersey. sltarnett's friends are living here, and the vessel sailing from this Ina, and the man axing much respected, has caused a great sensation." A correspondent informs us that Mr. Hurtsr. the 'Member for Horsham, who was set down in our Division-table last week as having voted aganst Mr. HanvEv's motion on the Pension List, must, from his known principles, have voted /4 it.