15 MARCH 1834, Page 9


sows Iixrim aaa, VRID The English Stock 3Iarket has peen heavy during the whoie wc..k :Ier pre- sent tendency appears to he downwards. 'rids is rather the lestilt of a eessmion of those active exertions in support of the market which have iecearl; hum made on the part of certain influential capitalists. than produced by any oeli.ssal desire upon the part of the stockholders to dispose of their stock. The state of embirrassment at present existing in America, has not been without its of lucre • and perhaps to that circumstance alone tine present gloom .11 ay be fairly attributed. The demand for silver bullion: for slopment to the l'ai'cal States has, however, materially diminished in the course of the last fol. days ; and though we are Without any very recent ;nick,: from the other side i,f the At- lantic, those persons best acquainted with that vomit! y indulge the expect7ttion that the worst isover, and that the next intelligence will be of a more favotarabla character. A state of commercial disaster in a country su intinnatelF,. connected with us cannot lung exist, witl t reaeting upon our own ; and it e are not at all surprised that capitalists should prefer, at such a threatened juncture. to have all their resources available. The lowest juice of Consols for Aloney lets been ; anal 91 has been the lowest price for Account. 3loney on temporal y loans is still very abundant. The London and Westminster Bank commenced business "ott :\ !outlay ; and thus the Scotch principles of banking ate about to undergo a trial in London. We have little doubt of their successful applioatian to the bu- siness of the Metropolis. Some desire has, we understand, been evirmed by the established hankers, to throw impediments in the way of the new c•tahlislintent ; but we are cons-lamed that, upon lefiection, both parties will see that their hest hot r,sts will be served more by cum ation than omits ition. lm the Foreign Market, the fluctuationhas been almost entirely modified to those descriptions of Security which rank lowest in the scale of public estima- tion; the Spanish, Portuguese, Mexican, and Colunibian, have bee a much depressed ; but the prices of the Northern Securities have been well maintained, and Belgian Stock is as high as 994,—the highest quotation it has ever reached. The Bonds of the Greek Loan of 11133 still continue objects of investment ; and though the price has not improved, the demand is still kept up at the market price. This was settling-day in the Foreign illarket ; and though the fluctua- tions have beam very great in the Spanish and Portuguese Stocks, the differences were all adjusted without a single exception. Spanish Stock wins yesterday as low as 284; but has been to-day at 30, and closes at 294 1J. Portuguese Stock has been 65k, but closes heavy at 64 The Share Markets generally are heavy. The Real Del .Monte are at 40 41 ; but have been as low as 38. The Directors of the St. John Del Rey Company have determined upon increasing the number of shares; and a fall of nearly' 1. per share has been the result. The price of the shares, on which 101. have been paid, was on Wednesday and is now 71. to 81.


Little worthy of remark has occurred this morning either in the English or Foreign Stock Markets. With the exception of Spanish and Porteroese Bonds, most of the Securities are nearly at yesterday's prices. These two &set iptions of Stock are both lower. The Spanish have been 283 29; and are now 233 it The Regency Bonds opened at 631, and are now 626 63. We are not aware of any intelligence having been received from the Peninsula to which this decline may be referred, but elieve it to be owing to a great cheek recently given to the speculations fur a rise.


Consols for Account have been as low as 91, and close At 91i i. The Foreign Funds generally are heavy, but the transactions in them have not been eaten- s've. Spanish Stock has been as low as 213A, and closes at 28i L. Portuguese Regency Bonds have been at 614, and close at 621 i.

I nain Stuck fin Acct — Portuguese 5 per Cents Exellequer Bills 59 Do. Regency Scrip5per (,ent. I Belgian 5 jaw Cents 944t . 163} G3

Prussian. 1815, 5 per Cent... -