A LAUGHABLE burletta, called Female Government, with an dins of " The World Upside Down," was brought nut at the Victoria on Monday. The story is short. Some British sailors are wrecked upon an island in the Pacific, where the women have reduced the male sex to subjection, and occupy all the places in the government. The strangers take the part of the men ; and bring about a revolution, by threatening to infuse a quantity of hot water into the bath %diem the ladies, in imitation of the Naiads at the Adelphi, are seen bathing. The Sialogue of this piece was rather amusing. There were due politi- cal allusions in it, with which the audience were generally well pleased. When old W1 1.1.1ANI , one of the sailors, told his Lieutenant that " the Prime Minister of the Island was a very respectable old gentlewoman," the cheers and laughter were universal. The Chancellor was charac- terized as it Judge who took no time to consider, and cared nothing for
forms. There were a number of snatches from popular with Lew words, generally droll enough and well suited to the sin! :jct.:. A !most every performer had some song allotted to him ; and among Hitt rest, ABBOTT, whose growling tones, utterly destitute of tuno, inirlesquA singing most ludicrously.