On the lot March, at St. Helier's, Jersey, the Wife
of Lieutenant-Colonel Wind.. ham, of a son.
On the 6th, at Ardeas Glebe, the Lady Adam Loftus, of a son.
On the Gth, at Clifton, Lady Isabella Grant, of a son.
On the 8th, at Wymondham Rectory, Leicestershire, the Hon. Mrs. John Bereaford, of a daughter.
On the 8th, at Hannington Rectory, Hampshire, the Wife of the Rev. John W. H. Molyneux, of a son.
On the 8th, at Cheltenham, the Lady of Major-General Ticket!, C.B., Bengal En- gineers, of a son.
On the 9th, in Eaton Place, the Countess of Enniskillen, of a sou. On the 9th, in Westhourne Terrace, Hyde Park, Lady Walker, of a son.
On the 9th, in Needwood House, Needwood Forest, the Wife of Commander C. E. Tennant, R.N., of a eon.
On the 10th, at Thames Villa, Hammersmith, the Wife of William Francis Ains- worth, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 10th, in Eaton Square, the Lady of Sir George Howland Beaumont, Bart., of a son and heir.
Lately, at St. Ann's, Trinidad, the Lady Harris, of a son and heir.
On the 3d December, at Calcutta, Lieutenant Roger Delamere Homey, Thirtieth Regiment NI., youngest son of Hulsey B.. Dansey, Esq., late of Easton Court, Herefordshire, to Eliza Georgina, daughter of the late Colonel Dundas, of the On the 10th January, at Walton, St. Ann's, Jamaica, Jane, youngest daughter of the late Rev. William Henry, of Tooting, Surrey, England, to the Rev. G. M.. Clinckett, Incumbent of St Matthew's, Claremont, in the same parish and island, and youngest son of Abel Clinckett, Esq., of Barbadoes. On the 6th February, at Nevis, Charles Kenney, Esq., President of the Council of that island, to Jessy-, Widow of the late Henry Harding, Esq.
On the 3d March, at St. Mary's, Cheltenham, Loftus Algernon Abraham Totten- ham, Esq., of Glenade. only son of Loftus Anthony Tottenham, Esq.. to Constance Slarian, second daughter of the late New ton Wigney, Esq., M.P. for Brighton.
On the 4th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, James Edward Vaughan William- son, Esq., Seventeenth Regiment Madras Infantry, only son of the late Brigadier William Williamson, C.B., Madras Army, to Anna, fourth daughter of David Hun- ter, Esq., Brompton.
On the 8th, at the Church of All Souls, Langbam Place, Edmond Henry St. John Mildmay, Esq., son of the late Sir Henry, alildmay, Bart., to Louisa Josephine, Wi- dow of the late Clarence Wigney, Esq. On the 10th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Hon. Henry William Parnell to the Hon. Caroline Margaret Bassoon, Maid of Honour to the Queen, and daughter of the late Hon. Lionel Charles Dawson and Lady Elizabeth Dawson. On the 11th, at Tissington, Derbyshire, John Gay Newton Alleync, Esq., eldest son of Sir Reynold Abel Alleyne, Bart., of Barbadoes, and late Warden of Dulwich College, to Augusta Isabella, fifth daughter of Sir Henry Fitzherbert, Bart., of Tia- sington Hall.
On the 20th February, at Hatchet, Windsor, Mrs. Letitia Cooke ; in her 92d year. On the 2d March, at Paris, Arthur Macnamara, Esq., of Caddington Hall, Herts, formerly of Langoed Castle, Brechooek; in his 66th year.
On the 4th, at Pickhurst, Hayes, Kent, Lady Caroline Eustatia Mortared ; in her 76th year.
On the Gth, Sir East George Clayton East, Bart., of Hall Place, Maidenhead; in his 57th year.
On the 7th, at Walcot Cottages, Hackney, Mrs. Jones ; in her 924 year.
On the 7th, at Tainfleld House, near Taunton, Lieutenant-General Sir Stephen R. Chapman, C.B., K.C.H., Colonel-Commandant in the corps of Royal Engineers; in his 76tb year. • On the 7th, in Wimpole Street, Sir Alexander Hood, Bart., of Wootton House. Somerset, and M.P. for the Western Division of that county. On the 9th, at Stoke, Guildford, Mrs. Charrott ; in her 94th year. On the 9th, in Arlington Street, Maria, Dowager Countess of Sefton; in her 81st year.
On the 10th, at Denmark Cottage. Cold Arbour Lane, Camberwell, the Rev. In- gram Cobbin, M.A. • in his 74th year.
On the 10th, at B;addon Tor, Torquay, the Viscountess Newark.
On the 10th, in consequence of a fall m a dark passage down a flight of stairs. in: St. Bartholomew's Hospital, while attending an inquest, on the 5th, Mr. E. C.. Lowe, Hose Court, Tower Street, formerly of Xencburch Street, leaving a wife and family totally unprovided for ; in his 64th year.
On the 1111,, at Tottenham, William Beer, Esq.• in his 91st year. On the 11th, in Francis Street, Bedford Square, 'Edward Corfielti; Esq., land-agent and surveyor ; in his 90th year.
On the 1211,, at Bruce Grove, Tottenham, Andrew Dickcson, Esq.; in his 90th year. On the 12th, at Portsmouth, Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Arnett, formerly of the Royal Marines.