15 MARCH 1851, page 20
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, March 11. Psancensures DISSOLVED. — Garrood and Co. Fakenham, iron-founders—R. and J. E. Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, printers—Hunt and Mellersh, Maid- stone,......
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Erica.) Saturd. Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs. S per Cent Consols 964 561 96} 961 061 Ditto for Account 961 984 961 961 961 3 per Cents Reduced 97 1 971......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OMCE, March 14.-1st Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. H. Hamilton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Blathwayt, who retiree; Cornet G. J. Bridge, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice......