Sketch of Mairwara : giving a brief Account of the Origin and Habits of the Mains ; their subjugation by a British force their' Civilization and conversion into an Industrious P ; with Dtweriptions of various Works of Irrigation in Mairwara and Ajmeer, &c. Illustrated with Maps, Plane, and Views. By Lieutenant-Colonel C. G. Dixon, Bengal Artillery.
' Memorials of the Sea : My Father : being Records of the Adventurous Life of the late William Scoresby, Esq., of Whitby. By his Son, the Reverend William Scoresby, D D., &e.
The History of the Last Trial by Jury for Atheism in England. By George Jacob Holyoakc. [A. report of Mr. Holyoake's trial for blasphemy, in August 1842 ; accompa- nied by a narrative of preceding events, and of his sufferings during the im- prisonment to which he was sentenced. The book has some of the character and interest of autobiography, and will open up glimpses of another kind of life than what many persons are acquainted with. During part of the time, Mr. Holyoake was a "Social missionary," at 16s. a week, and afterwards a week-day schoolmaster and Sunday lecturer at 30s. The " rigour beyond the law, ' with which he was treated by certain local Justices, was not likely to correct his religious errors, or his manner of expressing opinions shocking to the general belief. But such indiscreet zeal is now stopped, by the act which limits these prosecutions to the Attorney-GeneraL]
Man Natural and Spiritual. By Banks Farrand. [Historical, metaphysical, and phrenological in terms and arrangement, but not in the physical or anatomical basis of phrenology. In addition to these topics, Mr. Farrand also handles the existing eyils of society, and puts forth a new view of Christianity. The object of the whole is to show the necessity "for a reformation, individual and general, throughout society," and at the same time contribute to effect it.] Samenskes Age of Peter the Great. With Notes and a Preface by Ivan Golovin.
[Lives of two-and-twenty men who were soldiers or ministers of Peter the Great. The small space into which so many biographies are compressed ren- ders fulness impracticable ; and there is not much of breadth, or philosophy in Kamenski to make up for this deficiency. The translation is an addition to our books in the "useful knowledge', line, but has no further literary claim.] 27ie Story of a Family. By S. M., Author of " The Maiden Aunt," &e. In two volumes.
[An elegantly-written tale, describing the characters and fortunes of the members of an ancient family, that had been reduced to poverty by the mis- management of many of its heads. The estates are bought up by an uncle, a- peculiar character of course ; and his will, from some irregularity, gives
i rise to mutations of fortune backward and forward, though his intentions are carried out at last.] The Book of British Poesy, Ancient and Modern ; being select Extracts from our best Poets, arranged in chronological order. With an Essay on British Poetry, by the Reverend George Gilfillan, [Brief selections from our principal poets, chronologically classified,—as from the earliest period to Shakspere, from Shakspere to Milton, &c. They are preceded by a clever essay by Mr. Gilfillan.] Miscellaneous Poems, Historical and _Descriptive. By W. H. Sadler. [This publication is a mistake.] Childhood's Hours. By Mrs. Barwell, Author of "Little Lessons," &c. With Illustrations.
Lessons and Tales : a Reading-book for the use of Children. Edited by the Reverend Richard Dawes, M.A., Dean of Hereford.
[Easy reading lessons on things, occurrences, or arts, within the experience of young children.] Legends of the Commandments of God. By G. I. Collin de Plancy. Translated from the French.
[A series of tales designed to illustrate the Ten Commandments, chiefly drawn from legends or historical narratives of the middle ages. They have been popular on the Continent.]
Lectures on the Characters of Our Lord's Apostles, and especially their Conduct at the time of his Apprehension and Trial. By a Country: - Pastor, Author of "Lectures on the Scripture Retelations respecting a.:
Future State."
[Eight sermons on the characters of the principal Apostles, as illustrated in some of the most remarkable incidents of their Apostolic life.] Poems and Songs. By.Robert Gilfillan. Fourth edition. With moir of the Author, and Appendix of his latest Pieces.
The Wanderer and - his Home. Being a Continuation of " Memoirs of My Youth." By A. de Lamartine. (Parlour Library.)
The week has produced Several educational books ; but the elementi(ef
science have been so popularly expounded, are .and a now so accessible to every, one, that the generality of these introductions differ from each other rather . in ;Vie or arrangement than in substantial matter. An industrious pupil may learn from any of them: those who fancy 'that a particular book will supersede the necessity of labour will find themselves mistaken. If. Chemery's " French Phraseology " is a multum in parvo, containing a vast number-of -useful words arranged in sentences of pr.o,,eressive diffieul , followed by idiomatical and proverbial phrases and brief dialegueS. TFie. second part of Mr. Elliet's Elementary. Course" is a cheap and useful book by an able man and an experienced teacher. Mr. Gleig's ",School Series" goes over ground with which the. author is well acquainted the sacred story is brought down to the death of Saul.
French Phraseology, for the use of Colleges and Schools. By V.1, Chemery, B.L., Professor of Modern Languages, Marlborough Collegii. An Elementary Course of Practical Mathematics, for the use of Schools.
Part II. By James Elliot. Practical Geometry and Mensuration. - Sacred History. By the Reverend G. R. Gleig, M.A. In two parts.
Part I. (Gleig's School Series.) SERIAL.
Andrew Claiborne; a Tale of Encumbered Estates. ByCelticus. Part L [As yet, "encumbered estates" have not much to do with this story, seeing i that the hero has at present no estate at all. Andrew Claiborne is the son of a gentleman, and is east off on the death of his mother by his relations on both sides. The first part leaves him with the loss of his situation as page on the marriage of his mistress. -So far, there is not much of power or pro- bability in the tale.]
The Stones of Venice. Volume-the First. The Fouadations. By John Ruskin, Author of "The Seven Lamps of Architecture," &c. With Illustrations drawn by the Author. ' -
The Burial of Harold.' Painted by F. R. Pickersgill, A.R.A. ; engraved by F. Bacon. (Art.:Union. of Loaden,d8S1.) [This engraving after Mr. PickeregilPs priaepicture at Westminster Rallis offered to the Art-Union stbseribers _ in company with Mr. Leitch's "'Villa of Lucullus," for selection according to preference. The picture was one of the least individual works.of a not too individual painter ; and we conceive the option to lie betWeen a finely-treated landscape and an historieal subject merely respectable. The print itself is a well-executed line-engraving- slightly coarse, perhaps, in texture : we do not remember that the original work gave so masculine a version of the swan-necked Editha. Accompanying this print, we have received two specimens of the illustra- tions on wood for the edition of Goldsmith's " Traveller," to be' distributed to the subscribers. They are treated in that vignette style which will never succeed on wood. It is in vain to ignore the resources of your material.] Good Night. Drawn by J. Archer; lithographed by J. A. yinter. [A. child in her night-gewn. The sentiment is natural and pleasing—some- what preferable to Mr. Dicksee's " My First" or " My -Wife's Second" ; immeasurably superior to the " Milk and Charity Boy " school which has de- graded print-shop windows of late. If babies effect a diversion *digit:year of these, artists will not have been family-men altogether in vainlor art.] Illustrations of Medieval Costume in England. Collected from MSS in the British Museum, Bibliotheque de Paris, &c., by T. A. Day and J. H. Dines. Part I.
part contains four plates, plain and in colour, from manuscripts in the ritish. Museum, the Royal (National?) Library in Paris, and the Bayeux Tapestry : wood-cuts are also introduced into the text. The work, which promises to be careful and authentic, is announced for completion in six monthly shilling parts.]
Graham's Town and the Outposts ; with their bearings and distances. [The title of Mr. Wyld'a useful contribution to a temporary requirement scarcely describes the map with sufficiently attractive truth : it is a map of the large district, including the two provinces of Albany and Victoria, and the Western portion of British Catfrarm, which have become the the- atre of the Caffre war that is now drawing the attention and will ultimately draw the money of the British public. Fort Cox, Fort Hare, Fort Beaufort, and the ether interesting points of contest, are clearly marked, and their distances ,shown from Graham's Town and Bing William's Town, our two pivots of operation.] PAMPHLBTS.
A Letter to Viscount Fielding, on his late Conversion to the Church of Rome, with special reference to the Great Apostacy of the Latter Days. By the Reverend Henry R. Crewe, M.A.
Letter to the Reverend John Cumming, D.D., oti the'suYect of his Lec- ture entitled God in Science.
The Signs of the Times ; or the Popery of Protestantism. Second edition. English _Principle overridden by _Mitred Priestcraft. A Tale of Per- secution and Oppression. The Bomish Inquisition as adopted by the Wesleyan Conference. By James Bromley. Letters on Church Matters. By D. C. L. Reprinted from the Morning Chronicle. No. III.
The Vision of an Overseer, (now in office,) revealing the Fatal Errors of the Poor-law, &c.
Tribunals of Commerce, &e. By Francis Lyne, A Letter to the .Right Honourable Lord Campbell, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, on the Clause respecting Chloroform to the proposed Prevention of Offences Bill. By John Snow, /%1 D., &c. The Commercial Aspect of the Great Exhibition of 1851. By W. Felkin, Esq., F.L.S. Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds. By John Ruskin, M.A., Au- thor of "The Seven Lamps of Architecture," &e.