The nobility, subscribers, and the public, are respect- fully informed that this Theatre WILL OPEN on Ssreansr, 22d Idsacu 1851, when will be performed Dcrnizetti's cele- brated opera entitled LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, in which Madlle. Caroline Dupre. will appear. To be followed by a new and original BALLET, h la Watteau ; composed by M. Paul Taglioni • the Music by M. Nadaud ; the Scenery by Mr.
C. Marshall; in which Madlle. Amalie Ferraris will appear. The grand opera of GUSTAVUS is in active preparation. The part of Mad. Ankerstrom will be supported by Mad. Flo- rentini ; the part of Oscar by Madile. C. Dupre. ; and Sig. Calsolarl will support the part of Gustavus.
Applications for Boxes, Stalls, and Tickets, to be made at the Box-office of the Theatre.
HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.— MADLLE. CAROLLNE DUPREZ.-It is respectfully announced that the departure of Madile. Dnprez having been fortunately arranged at an earlier period than anticipated, she will make her FIRST APPEARANCE in this country on SATURDAY ESSE, the 22d instant.
CONCERTS of ANCIENT and MODERN MUSIC, under the Direction of Mr. JOHN HULLAH.-The FIFTH CON- CERT will take place on Wros rm. sr Evening next, Esau! 19 ; when will be performed,lor the first time in this country, the Credo In B minor of John Sebastian Bach ; Mozart's Mo- tet, " Me Pelvis et Cinis "; the second act of Gluck's Opera
Orfeo "; and a selection from Weber's " Oberon." Vocal- ists-Mrs. Endersohn, Miss Kearns, Madlle. Graumann, Mr. Herberte, Sig. Marchesi. The Chorus will consist of the members of Mr. Iiiillah's First Upper School. Tickets-lie- served Seats, es. ; Double ditto, 9a. ; Area, 3a. ; Double ditto, 4s. 6d.; may be had of Mr. Joan Pastime, 445, West Strand ; of the It tisicsellers ; and at St. Martin's Hall.
MINGHAM.-The Governors of this School are about to appoint a Gentleman to teach the German Language to the Senior Classes of the School. A native of Germany, of the Protestant faith, who speaks English fluently, and has gra- duated at an University or studied Classical Philology else- where, will be preferred. The average Unroof attendance at the School will be from two to three hours a day. The Salary will be 1001. per annum. Gentlemen who desire to become Candidates for the appointment, are requested to send their Applications and Testimonials to me on or before the Slat day of March instant. The School is under the superintendence of the Rev. E. H. Gifford, the Head Master. Further particu- lars may be obtained on application to me.
J. W. WHATELEY, Secretary to the Governors. King Edward's School, March 10th, 1851.
FOR PORT LYTTELTON, CANTER- BURY SETTLEMENT, and other PORTS in NEW ZEALAND, the first-class Passenger Ship DOMINION, 581 tons register, lying in the East India Docks, Chartered and Provisioned by the Canterbury Association, to sail on the 8th May. Rates of passage-Chief Cabin, (a whole cabin between decks,) 421.; Second Cabin, 251.; Steerage, 161. For freight, passage, or further information, apply to Fume and Co. 157, Fenchurch Street ; J. STAYNER, 110, Fencharch Street; or to Easomecx Yovrto, Manager of Shipping for the Canterbury Association, 74, Cornhill.
Chartered by the Canterbury Association, and appointed to Sail from the Port of London on Tuesday 8th April, FOR CANTERBURY, NELSON, AND NEW PLYMOUTH, NEW ZEALAND, the fine Passen- ger Ship LABUAN, A 1 547 tons register, lying in the East India Docks. W stria Score, Commander. Rates of passage to Canterbury, Provisions Medicine, and Medical Comforts, in- cluded; Each Person 14 years old and upwards-Chief Cabin, 4M.; Second Cabin, 251.; Steerage, 164. Children under 14 one-half. This ship has superior accommodations, and will take out a Clergyman, an Elementary Schoolmaster, and an experienced Surgeon. For freight, passage, or further infor- mation, apply to J. gramme, 110, Fenchureh Street ; or to Funny and Co. 157, Fonchurch Street.
By order of the Committee, FREDERICK YOUNG, Manager of Shipping. Shipping Office of the Canterbury Association, 74, Cornhill.
rice-President-Lord Kenyon.
Treasurer-Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. M.P. F.R.S. Auditors-Capel Cure, Esq. and Henry Harwood Penny, Esq. At a meeting of Governors, held in Craven Street, on WED- NESDAY, the 5th of Meilen 1851, the cases of 16 Petitioners were considered, of which 15 were approved, and 1 rejected. Since the meeting held on the 5th of FEBRUARY., 11 debtors, of whom 7 had wives and 19 children, have been discharged from the prisons of England and Wales ; the expense of whose liberation, including every charge connected with the Society, was 1161. 7s. 7d. ; and the following
Benefactions received since Littlest Report- Anonymous £1010 0 Lord Sherbome, per Messrs. Hoare 3 0 0 Benefactions are received by Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. the Treasurer, No. 1, Brick Court,Temple ; also by the follow- ing Bankers-Memos. Cocks, Drauunonds, Mercies, Roam, Peres; and by the Secretary, No. 7, Craven Street, Strand, where the books may be seen by those who are inclined to sup- port the Charity, and where the Society meet on the first Wednesday In every month. JOSEPH LUNN, See.
Under the especial Patronage of her Most Gracious Majesty the queen and Field-Marshal his Bayed Highness Prince Albert, A.G. E.T.S.P. G.C.B. and G.C.M.G.
FOR GENERAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES. 13, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London.
Colonel Sir Frederick Smith, K.H. F.R.S. R.E. Chairman. James Frederick Nugent Daniell, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Admiral the Right Hon. Sir Maj-Gen.Ediv.Wynyard,C.B. G. Cockburn, O.C.B. Rear- Maj.-Gen. Arnold, K.H. K.C. Aimiral of the United Archibald Hair, Esq. M.D. Kingdom. [Bt. G.C.H. Capt. William Lancey, R.E. Major-Gen. Sir J. Cockburn, Wm. Chard, Esq. Navy Agent. General Sir Thomas Brad- Wilbraham Taylor, Esq.
ford, G.C.B. G.C.H. Maj.-Gen. Sir Jno. Reit, K.C.R. 11.-Gn.ffirJ.Gardiner,K.C.B. Maj. F. S. Sotheby ,C.E. B.I.C.S. Major-Gen. Sir Hew D. Ross, Maj.-Gen. Sir G. Pollock,G.C.B. K.C.B. Deputy-Adjt-Oen. Capt. William Cuppage, RI. Artillery. Capt. Michael Quin, R.N. Capt. Sir G. liack,R.N. F.R.S. Ilaj.- Gen. SirDudley St. Leger Mal ylor, C.B. E.I.C. S.
Bankers-Messrs. Coutta and Co. 59, Strand. Physician-Sir Charles Fergusson Forbes, M.D. K.C.H. Chunsel-J. Measure, Esq.4, Serie Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Solicitor-Stephen Garrard, Esq. 13, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall East.
Actuary-John Finlaison, F.sq. the Government Calculator and President of the Institute of Actuaries. Assurances are granted upon the lives of persons in every profession and station in life, and for every part of the world, with the exception of the Western Coast of Africa within the Tropics.
The Rates of Premiums are constructed upon sound prin- ciples with reference to every Colony, and by payment of a moderate addition to the Home Premium, in case of increase of risk, persons assured in this office may change from one climate to another without forfeiting their policies. Four-fifths of the Profits are divided among the assured.
ECONOMIC LIFE ASSURANCE SO- CIETY, 6, New Bridge Street, Blackfriara. Established 1823. Empowered by Act of Parliament, 3 William IV.
The Right Hon. Sir T. Franktruid Lewis, Bart. M.P. Chairman. Henry Frederic Stephenson, Esq. Deputy Chairman. A. Kingsford Barber, Esq. Sir Alex. Duff Gordon, Rut. Arthur Kett Barclay, Esq. Archibald nestle, Esq. M.P. Henry Barnett, Esq. John Mendham, Esq. Robert Bffidulph, Esq. Charles Morris, Esq. Thomas Edgar, Esq. I William Routh, Esq.
AudI tors.
Edward Charrington, Esq. Cant Robert Gordon, R.N. Francis Dumergue, Esq. John Gilliam Stilwell, Esq.
John Ayrton Paris, M.D. Cantab. lion. D.C.L. Oxon. F.R.S. 27, Dover Street, President of the Royal College of Physicians. Surgeon-Benjamin Travers, Esq. F.R.S. 12, Bruton Street. Solicitor-Henry Young, Esq. 12, Essex Street, Strand. Actuary-James John Downes, Esq. F.R.A.S.
The advantages offered by this Society are-Economy com- bined with Security, and lower Rates of Premiums than those of any other Office which entitle the assured to partici- pate in the profitsZand considerably lower than those of any other Mutual Assurance Society.
The WHOLE OF TILE PROFITS are divided every fifth year among the assured, and a Bonus is added, after the pay- ment of the Fifth Annual Premium, to every Policy effected on the Participating Scale, if a claim accrue thereon prior to the nest division of profits.
The Bonus declared in 1819, (arising from the whole of the profits upon the Mutual Principle,) averaged 624 per cent on the Premiums received.
Loans granted on such Policies as are purchaseable by the Society.
The Assurance Fund exceeds 1,000,0001. Income 180,0001 per annum.
The subjoined Table shows the advantages offered by this Society, resulting from low premiums and a division of the entire profits among the assured-
Age at Entry, The Annual Premium nc- ' cording to the Northampton Eaten to As- sure 1,000/. Assures by the Economic Ithtes
1 g,..2.6 >'-'2
Economic Bo- nus on Poli- cies al' years standing In 11149 was
i Lig 50 A aiz._:
2 e 7• 5 - 1 teat 5-5.
.. -
20 30 40 50
.c .. d.
20 15 10 26 13 5 33 19 6 45 6 0 £ 1260 1205 1140 1030 £ 260 205 140 30 E 108 110 118 129 E 38 38 33 30 £ 1404 1375 1313 1209 Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained on application to ALEXANDER MACDONALD, Sec.
PROVIDENT LIFE OFFICE, 1 5D, Regent Street ; City Branch, 2, Royal Exchange Buildings. Established 1806. Policy-holders' Capita1,1,180,7221. Annual Income, 148,0001. Bonuses declared, 743,0001. Claims paid since the establishment of the Office, 1,888,0001. President-The Right Hon. Earl Grey. Directors. Frederick Squire, Esq. Chairman. William Money Stone, Esq. Deputy Chairman.
Henry B. Alexander, Esq. Thomas Maughan, Esq.
George Deere, Esq. William Ostler, Esq.
Alexander Henderson, M.D. Apsley Pellatt, Esq.
William Judd, Esq. George Round, Esq.
Sir Richard D. King, Bart. The Rev. James Sherman.
The Hon. Arthur Kinuaird. Capt.William John Williams.
John A. Beaumont, Esq. Manamng Director. Physician-John Maclean, M.D. F.S.S. 29, Upper Montague Street, Montague Square. NLVETEEN-TWENTIETHS OF THE PROFITS ARE DIVIDED AMONG THE INSUltED.
Examples of the Extinction of Premiums by the surrender of Bonuses.
Date of Policy. Sum Insured Original Premium. Bonuses added subsequently, to be further increased annually.
18013 1811 1818 E 2500 1000 1000 £ a. d.
79 10 10 Extinguished.
33 19 2 ditto 34 16 10 ditto £ s. d.
1222 2 0 231 17 8 114 18 10 Examples of Bonuses added to other Policies.
Policy No. ,„„. -"--' Sum Insured. Bonuses added.
Total with addi Lions to be fur- ther increased.
521 1174 3302 1807 1810 1820 £ 900 1200 5000 E s. d.
982 12 1 1160 5 6 3558 17 8 £ s. d.
1882 II 1 2360 5 6 8568 17 8 Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained upon ay plication to the Agents of the Office in all the principal towns of the United Kingdom; at the City Branch; and at the Head Office, 50. Regent Street. •
THE GENERAL LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established mar. Em- powered by Special Acts of Parliament. 62, King William Street, London, and 21, St. David Street, Edinburgh. Capital, One Million. Directors.
George Boustleld, Esq. Thos. Challis, Esq. and Ald. Jacob Geo. Cope, Esq. John Dixon, Esq. Joseph Fletcher, Esq. Richard Haller Esq.
Joseph Dawson, Esq. I William Hunterjun. Esq.
George Meek. Esq. Secretary-Thomas Price, LL.D. Actuary-David °tighten, Esq. Solicitor-Stephen Walters, Esq. Annual Premiums for the Assurance of Mt. payable at death.
25 30 35 40 45
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d.
1 16 3 .... 2 1 5 .... 2 7 8 .... 2 15 7 .... 3 6 0 THE FOLLOWING ARE AMONGST THE DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THE COMPANY:
1. Entire freedom of the assured from responsibility, and exemption from the mutual liabilities of partnership.
2. Payment of claims guaranteed by a capital of 1,000,0001. In the LIFE DEPARTMENT.
1. Assurances are effected on participating and nonpartici- pating tables, on ascending end descending scales, for short periods, and by policies payable at the ages, of 65, 60, 55, or 30, or previously in the event of death.
2. Premiums paid annually, half-yearly, or quarterly, in limited number of payments, in one sum, or on increasing or decreasing scales.
3. Policies on the participating scale immediately interested In the profits of the Company.
4. The age of the assured admitted, on satisfactory evidence being presented.
5. Policies assigned as security not forfeited by duelling, suicide, or the execution of judicial sentences.
Houses, furniture, stock in trade, mills, merchandise, shipping in docks, rent, and risks of all descriptions, insured at moderate rates.
LOANS from 1001. to 10001. advanced on personal security and the deposit of a Life Policy to be effected by the borrower.
A liberal commission aUo wed to Solicitors, Auctioneers, and Surveyors.
Chas. Hindley, Esq. M.P. Thomas Piper, Esq. Thos. B. Simpson, Esq. Hon. C. P. Villiers, M.P. John Wilke, Esq. Edward Wilson, Esq. Auditors.
1, Princes Street, Bank, London.
Empowered by Special Aet of Parliament, 4 Vic. cap. O. ADVANTAGES OF THIS INSTITUTION. HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM.
Persons assured according to these rates are allowed credit (without security) for half the amount of the first seven annual premiums, paying interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum, with the option of paying off the princi- pal at any time, or haring the amount deducted from the sum assured when the policy becomes a claim. A Table adapted especially for the securing of Loans and Debts, by which the littlest security is obtained on very low, but gradually increasing Premiums.
Policies revived, without the exaction of a fine, at any time within twelve months, if health remain unimpaired. A Board of Directors In attendance daily at 2 o'clock. Age of the Assured In every case admitted in the policy. Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports.
Extract from the Half Credit Rates of Premium. Annual Premium required for an Assurance of 1001. for the Whole Term of Life.
Age. Half Premium for Whole Premium after Seven Years. Seven Years.
s. d. £ s. d.
90 1 1 9 2 3 6 40 1 9 2 218 4
60 2 2 6
4 5 0 60 3 41 8 613 4 E. IL FOSTER, Itesident Director.
Detailed Prospectuses, and every requisite information as to the mode of effecting Assurances, may be obtained upon application to the various Local Agents, or at the Office, 1, Princes Street, Bank.
THE LIVERPOOL and LONDON FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established in 1838. Empowered by Acts of Parliament. Offices-8 and 10, Water Street, Liverpool ; 20 and 21, Poul- try, London. 2i-sisters. Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart. M.P. ; Adam Hodgson, Esq.; Samuel Henry Thompson, Esq. Directors in Liverpool. Chairman-William Nicol, Esq. Deputy Chairmen. Joseph C. Ewart, Esq. ; Joseph Hornby, Esq.
Thomas Brocklebank, Esq. George H. Lawrence, Esq. William Dixon, Esq. Harold Littledale, Esq. William FArle, Esq. John Marriott, Esq.
T. Steuart Gladstone, Esq. Edward Moon, Esq.
George Grant, Esq. Lewis Mosley, Esq.
Francis Haywood, Esq. Joseph Shipley, Esq. Robert Higgin, Esq. H. Stolterfoht,P.sq.
George Holt, Esq. John Swainson, Esq.
John More, Esq.
Secretary-Swinton Bonit, Esq. Directors in London. Chairman-William Ewan, Esq. M.P. Deputy Chairman-George Fred. Young, Esq.
Sir W. P. De Bathe, Bart. Hon. F. Poneouby.
William Brown, Esq. M.P. John Ranking, Esq.
Matthew Forster, Esq. M.P. J. M. Rosseter, Esq. Frederick Harrison, Esq. Seymour Teuton, Fog. James Hartley, Eq. Swinton Boult, Esq. Secre- Ross D. Mangles, Esq. M.P. ta' to the Company.
Resident Secretary-Benjamin Henderson, Esq. CONSTITUTION.
Liability of the entire body of Shareholders unlimited.
Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Mercantile risks freely Foreign and Colonial Insurances effected.
Premiums as in other established offices.
Settlement of josses liberal and prompt.
Premiums as low as is consistent with safety.
Bonuses not dependent on profits, being declared and gua- ranteed when the policy is effected.
Surrenders of policies favourably dealt with. Thirty days allowed for the renewal of policies.
Claims paid In three mouths after proof of death. Policies not disputed except on the ground of fraud.
Full prospectuses may be bad on application at the META
of the Company, as above, or to any of its agents in the country.
Members of Boards of Health are especially directed to the most effective means which they can adopt to prevent the injurious and often fatal effects upon the health of the community, arising from exhalations that are produced from moisture, decayed animal matter (as in graveyards), stagnant water, and collections of frttd refuse, tending to produce a miasmatic state of atmosphere. In situations so affected, the impervious quality of the ASPHALTE of SEYSSEL renders it the most perfect Pavement or Covering that can be relied upon for hermetically closing, and thereby preventing the rising of moisture and the escape of noxious vapours. The present extensive application of this material for covering roof, terrace., and arches, for preventing the percolation of wet, is strong evidence of its effectiveneness for the above
purposes. I. FARRELL, floe. Seyssel Aspbalte Company, Stangate, near Westminster Bridge, London.
STEADS.-IIEAL and SON hare erected more extensive Warerooms for the purpose of keeping every description of Bedstead. In Iron their Stock will include every sort [MUIR- factored, from the cheap Stump, for servants' use, to the handscmele•arnamented tubular-pillared Canopy, as well as Brass Bedsteads of es-cry shape and pattern ; and in Wooden Bedsteads their Rooms are sufficiently extt naive to allow them to fit up a variety, both in Polished B.reh and Maho- gany, of Four-post, Canopy, mud French, and alto of Japanned Bedsteaas-in fact, to keep in stuck every sort of Bedstead that is made. They have also a general assortment of Furni- ture Chintzes, Damasks, and Dimities, so as to render their stock complete for the Furnishing of Bedsteads as well as Bedding. Without attempting to compete with the prices at which the lowest clam of furniture is sold, and which is fit for no useful purpose, their new Stock will be found to be priced on the same principle by which their Bedding Trade has, durieg the last thirty years, been so successfully extended, and the goods, whether of a plain and simple pattern or of a handsomer and more expensive character, are of well-seasoned materials, sound workmanship, and warranted. Heal nod Son's List of Bedding, containing full particular of Weights, /NETS, and Prices of every description of Bedding, sent free by post, on application to theirFactory,196,(opposite the Chapeld Tottenham Court Road, London.
THE HUMANHAIR.— The peouliar structure, singular mode of growth and elongation, and the various conditions of delicacy and decay connected with the existence and preservation of the human hair, render it an object requiring paramount care and attention. Asa spe- cific far its health and wellbeing, ROW LAND'S MACASSAR OIL stands unrivalled. From its extreme purity and delicacy It is admirably adapted for the heads of children even of the most tender age, and is in use in the nursery of Royalty, and by the (smiles of the nobility and aristocracy. Beware of spurious imitations. The genuine article has the words Rowland's Macassar Oil" on the wrapper. Price 3s. 6d. 71.; family bottles„ (equal to four small,) Ite. ad.; and double that size, 21a. per bottle. Sold by the Proprietors, at 20, Mats ton Garden, London ; and by all Chemists and Perfumers.