It seems to be the unanimous opinion in Berlin that,
however the resignation of Prince Bismarck may be delayed, it has been resolved on, and that his successor as Chancellor will be Herr von BeAticher, Vice-President of the Prussian Cabinet, and chief of the Imperial Ministry of the Interior. The Emperor has recently bestowed on him the Order of the Black Eagle, which is so jealously restricted that its possession confers high social importance ; and at the New Year's reception, his Majesty gave his hand to Count von Moltke and Herr von Biitticher alone. This gentleman is little known to the outside world, but he is said to be by far the most competent of Prince Bismarck's assistants. He has been trained by him, and is trusted liy him, and is therefore, we should surmise, a man with every capacity, and especially one for temporarily effacing himself. The Prince bears no one whom he estimates as an equal. Herr von Botticher's claim on the Emperor is said to be the immense assistance he gave to the late Emperor William in his Social Bills ; but his Majesty has, in the Chancellor's frequent absences, come frequently in contact with his sub- stitute. The comparative obscurity of Herr von Botticher is remarkable, and we think all the correspondents underrate the effect which Prince Bismarck's retirement will have on European affairs. There is an awe of him abroad which may not attach to any successor.