Personally Conducted. By Frank R. Stockton. (sampson Low...
author of - " Rudder Grange" in the character of a tourist's guide is a surprising but pleasing novelty. He goes with the reader, as with the traveller, step by step and hand in......
The Antiquary. (elliot Stock.)—this Is The Twentieth...
" magazine devoted to the study of the past," and contains the issue during the second half of 1889. The interest is, as usual, of a very varied kind. Mr. Talfourd Ely, for......
Everybody's Book Of Proverbs And Quotations. Selected...
and classified by W. H. Howe. (Howe and Co )—This is a nice little book, in the best of all bindings, a soft-padded leather cover; but its usefulness is much diminished by the......
The Silver Whistle. By "naseby." 2 Vols. (w. H. Allen.)—
Though " Naseby's " story only fills two volumes, it is too long, for the volumes are closely packed, and contain a good deal which will strike most readers as of the nature of......
Mr. Pennell's Pen-and-ink Drawing.*
Ma. PENNELL, like other men both literary and artistic, magnifies his office. We are not disposed to quarrel with him for this. = Pen-drawing is an art worthy of honour, we......
Cruisings In The Cascades. By G. 0. Shields. (sampson Low
and Co.)—The sporting descriptions in this book are the least in- teresting portions of it, and the vulgarity of the preface is sufficient to induce fastidious readers to lay it......
Current Literature.
Ready Reference : the Universal Cyclopxdia. Compiled by William Ralston Balch. (Griffith, Farran, Okeden, and Welsh.)—This is, in its way, a wonderful volume. Running to some......
The Pulpit Commentary. Edited By The Very Rev. Dean Spence
and the Rev. Joseph S. Exell.—The book dealt with in the present volume is the Revelation. Mr. T. Randell furnishes an introduc- tion and assists in the exposition, parts of......
Five Months' Fine Weather In Canada, Western U.s., And...
By Mrs. E. H. Carbutt. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Naturally, one's first feeling on seeing the title of this pleasant book is incredulity. But the author, who is alive to its......