[To THE EDITOR OF THE "EFECTAIUR."1 SIR, —I write to call attention to the comparatively little- known Clergy Rest House at Gomshall, Surrey, where for a very small weekly payment a simple but comfortable home is provided for clergymen and their families in the midst of beautiful and healthfnl surroundings—a favourite haunt of artists and nature-lovers, and an ideal resort for recuperation after mental and physical strain. The charges are fixed at 15s. and £1 ls. weekly, in reliance on a subscription list (in which are to be seen the names of the Bishops of London and Winchester, the Dean of St. Paul's, &c.), but this tariff will have to be revised unless the home receives wider support than at present. Those who are able and willing to help the committee to continue the present scale of charges are asked to send a subscription or donation to the-honorary treasurer, J. E. C. Hordern, Esq., Dumbarton House, Gomshall, Surrey, and thus benefit many who may otherwise be deprived of needful rest and change.—I am, Sir, &c., H. G. EONAVIA-HUNT. Burgess Hill Vicarage, Sussex.
[Few need a haven of rest more than the bard-worked town clergy, and few, alas, are less able to afford it. We sincerely trust that the Rest House will get enough support to enable it to maintain its low scale of charges.—En. Spectator.]