On Wednesday In The Commons Mr. Lone Moved An Amend.
ment to the Address that it would be improper to proceed with Home Rule and Welsh Disestablishment while the Constitution of Parliament was still incomplete and without......
Mr. .asquith Explained The Action Of The Powers In Regard
to the Balkans. When the war broke out the Great Powers prepared to deal with the situation as it affected the system based on the Treaty of Berlin. In the conference of......
The Naval Estimates For 1913-14 And The Explanatory...
were published in Friday's papers. The Estimates are for £46,309,000, an increase of £1,234,000. The new ships to be laid down are five battleships, as against four last year ;......
On Monday Parliament Was Opened By The King, Who Was
aceompanied by the Queen, with the usual ceremonial, except that the King revived the ancient custom—abandoaed by Queen Victoria—of wearing the Crown. The previous Session had......
The Address In Reply Was Moved In The House Of
Lords by Lord Aberconway and seconded by Lord Ashton of Hyde. We cannot summarize Lord Lansdowne's speech, as most of his points were also made by Mr. Sonar Law in the Commons.......
On Tuesday Another Amendment To The Address Was Moved By
Mr. Royds, who demanded that the methods of land valuation should be in accordance with the intentions of the House and the declarations of Ministers. Increment duty, as, for......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Snowden Moved
an amendment calling attention to the condition of the people, and asking for a minimum wage and the securing of an equal division of the fruits of industry by " the......
In The Commons On Tuesday The First Amendment To The
Address was moved by Mr. Hayes Fisher, who regretted that in spite of the pressure of local rates the Government had done nothing to increase the subventions from the Exchequer......