The general annual report on the British Army for the
year ended September 30th, 1912, issued on Tuesday, shows a slight increase in the number of recruits both for the Regular Army and the Special Reserve. The continued prosperity of trade, however, and activity both in emigration and in recruiting additional personnel for the Royal Navy, are held to have had an adverse effect on recruiting. The strength of the Army Reserve was 139,077, which corresponds with the estimated maximum, but there was a shortage of 30,959 in the Special Reserve, the strength being 58,954, and the establishment 89,913. Lastly, there were 262,240 officers, non-commissioned officers, and men in the Territorial Force : 2,791 on the permanent staff, and 1,191 in the Territorial Reserve. As the establishment of the Force was placed at 314,366, the shortage on October 1st was 52,126.