The names of those nominated for the poets of Chairman,
Vice-Chairman, Deputy-Chairman, and Aldermen of the London County Council were announced in Wednesday's papers. Mr. Cyril Cobb, Chairman of the Education Com- mittee in the last Council, has been nominated by the Municipal Reform Party for the Chairmanship, and Mr. Pilditch, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee, for the Vice- chairmanship. Four of the ten vacant Aldermanic seats having been offered to the Opposition, the Progressives have chosen Mr. G. A. Hardy, Mr. Oswald Partington, and Mr. H. H. Scott —all members of Parliament—and Miss Katherine Wallas. They have also nominated Mr. W. C. Johnson to the Deputy- Chairmanship, which, according to precedent, is given to them. The list of Municipal Reform Aldermen includes Mr. Cyril Jackson (who will lead the party again), Mr. William Hunt, and Mrs. Wilton Phipps. It is understood that Sir John Benn will continue to lead the Progressive Party.