[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—May I venture to question your interpretation of the verse-from the Codex Bezae--" 0 man, if indeed thou knowest what thou doest," &c. (February 9th) ? Surely such an expression, "thou art blessed," is too strong as applied to a man who was merely not acting against his conscience, whether his act-was right or wrong (your words). It seems to point rather to a far vision of a time when man would be guided no longer by rule and precept but by the motions of his free spirit.
That was the goal to which all Christ's teachings looked forward ; when law (such, for instance, as that relating to Sabbath breaking) would be no longer needed, because, as in the beautiful words with which Virgil took leave of Dante, man would be then "king and priest" over himself.—I am,