15 MARCH 1924, page 12

The Harnett Case And The Public.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I notice that the medical profession has been vely seriously disturbed by the - verdict in the Harnett case, but I should strongly......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin,—As a commercial traveller who for the last five years has spent considerably more than half his time in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, and Immingham, with occasional......

Asylum - -reform.

[To the Edito-r of the SrEcTATcm.] Sta,—Will you allow me to correct the wrong impression which is likely to be conveyed by Dr. Risien Russell's letter on the subject of Asylum-......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sta,—the Writer Of The

article in your issue of February 23rd draws a sombre picture of life in our large towns, and questions whether there is such a thing as a civic sense in this country. While it......