From the point of view of understanding the Prime Minister's
character, most people must have read with particular interest reports of the address which he delivered to the Assembly of the National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches on Thursday, March 6th. His subject was " The Social Implications of Christianity." In general he argued that Socialism was based on the Gospels, and though he predicted that it would finally, destroy class distinctions, he repudiated any idea of reaching this end by means of any kind of " hugger- mugger equality." We welcome this declaration about class distinctions, because, as everybody knows, the extremists of Labour preach " class-consciousness " as an end in itself. We were astonished on the opening day of Parliament when Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, in accusing his political opponents of fomenting class dis- tinctions, said nothing about the deliberate preaching of the class warfare which goes on within his own party.