In the Indian Assembly on Monday the Swarajists moved the
rejection of the whole Customs Vote, as a protest against the Government's refusal to respond to the national demand for immediate Home Rule. The Times correspondent says that the Swarajist speakers and Sir Malcolm Halley (who spoke for the Government) were both obviously anxious to say no word that might frighten away the support of the Independents. Both sides needed their support. In the end, however, the Swarajists won over a sufficient number of followers to defeat the Government, and the Customs estimate was rejected by 63 votes to 56. The next day it was explained by the Swarajists that having made their protest and carried their point, they would discuss the estimates. If they really mean in the end to refuse supplies, the Viceroy will have to do again what he did in the case of the Salt Tax, and certify taxes over the head of the Assembly. There could hardly be a more striking proof that the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms are breaking down in practice, as we always felt that they must.