Personal contact is the solution of many of our Empire
problems, and personal contact on the part of the Labour leaders is just as important as the meeting of scientists, doctors, clergymen and men of businss. He would have to be a puny sort of person who could come to Wembley and meet his Labour brethren from all sections of the British ComMonwealth and not have his imagination fired. On the agenda paper will probably be a number of the same headings as were discussed by the Imperial Economic Conference last year; such, for instance, as migration within the Empire,. the development of inter- Empire trade, the much-discussed question of British nationality and a common citizenship throughout the British Commonwealth, and, of course, industrial problems generally.- Let us hope that although the Irish Free State is not participating the,Exhi.bition, high Labour will be represented. What- Ireland requires more than anything else at the _present time is a little first-hand knowledge concerning conditions throughout His Majesty's Dominions overseas.