FIFTY THOUSAND ABORTIONS Ste,—It is not true that priests of
the Roman Church do not perform any rites over the aborted foetus. 1 quote from Marriage by Keenan and Ryan, under the imprimatur of the Archbisho2 of Boston. The Item., of course, most be baptised. . . This rule applies to all products of conception, which should be conditionally baptised at least.'
Although it may be true that a legalising of con- traceptives decreases the total number of abortions it should be noted that it makes for a significant rise in the rate of abortion per pregnancy; in one survey from 30 per cent. to 52.8 per cent. This subject is fully discussed in Fr. de Lestapis's book Family Planning and Modern Problems. He notes there that the Royal Commission on Population (1949) tells us that the proportion of induced abortions in Great Britain was 8.7 times greater among couples who were in the habit of using contraceptives than among the others. Truly there must be a large number of people so in love with their own sterility that they are prepared to. preserve it at whatever cost.