Spectator's Notebook
rr HE parliamentary question is a sharp instru- ment of democratic control, and, like all sharp instruments, needs delicate handling. Deli- cate is not the word for the question......
First Family Business
From MURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK P RESIDENT KENNEDY has dispatched Stephen E. Smith to supervise the holding operation against Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Mr. Smith's prior......
Danilo Dolci A Slight Breathlessness Characterised Danilo...
in Britain after an absence of almost three years: but he faced a heavy pro- gramme with calm. It is difficult to visualise this smiling man moving mountains of ignorance and......
Practical Saint
Some people have called Dolci a saint; others, including both those who oppose his work, and some of those who have worked with him, have used less flattering descriptions. He......
Question Of Form
However strongly one may suspect that Mr. Macmillan will be with us for some time yet, the candidature for the Tory succession is open enough to attract the interest of the......