15 MARCH 1963, Page 15


SIR,—H.E. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, K.O.M., C.H., is known to me, to his friends in Malaya, and to everyone who hasn't a great deal of time to waste, as the Tunku; what is a solecism to Mr. Edinger seems common sense to the Malayan Government Information Services, which call their Prime Minister 'the Tunku' in their official biography of him.

Of course his aim is to build up a Malayan nation irrespective of race, and his only hope of beginning to do it was to start with citizenship terms which the Malays would accept.

Having deliberately and tendentiously suggested in his first letter that the Commonwealth Strategic Reserve was in Malaya to bolster up an unpopular Malayan Government, Mr. Edinger is now trying to wriggle out of it. He knows quite well that Brunei, as a British Protectorate, is a totally false analogy. As to his aims and pleas, 1 stated specific- ally that they were 'tenable and may prove correct'; 1 merely objected to the disingenuous and seriously misleading arguments adduced in support of them.