Portrait of the Week
A STORMY WEEK FOR STERLING, the press, rate- payers and teachers. A month of irrelevant academic argument over the possibility of devalua- tion had an unexpected effect on foreign bankers, who took the matter seriously: however, after a brief flurry of hectic selling, sterling found its feet again- The press found its security stripped away when journalists from the Daily Mail and the Daily Sketch began their prison sentences for keeping sources of information to themselves, amid a welter of petitions, rallies and memorial services. There were also petitions and rallies, but DO memorial services, on behalf of ratepayers who have received immense shocks in this year's rating demands. Neither campaign seems likely to have effect—the Attorney-General made it clear chat the journalists' sentences will stay, and the Minister of Housing explained that while he would consider hire-purchase schemes for ratepayers no inquiry was likely to do any good. Meanwhile Sir Edward Boyle, tramping over the ruins of the Burnham Committee, announced he would decide how much teachers should be paid, and that he would declare what is to take the place of Burnham—assuming that teachers are sometime to get another rise.
MR. truausuctiEN ATTACKED abstract art yet again, but struck a new note by beginning to woo Albania (i.e. China), and there were rumours of a Red summit. On Wednesday Mr. K was invited to Peking. President de Gaulle was defled—for once—by French miners, and a broad- cast appeal by M. Pompidou, the French Prime :Minister, had not the slightest effect. Mr. Tshombe returned to Katanga and Mr. Sandys returned to London : New York newspapermen seemed about to return to work. Yet another revolt in the Middle East—last week Iraq, this week Syria (next week j,_ordan?). The new Iraqi Government began well by giving home rule to the Kurdish tribes. So, alter a long battle for independence, the Kurds were given their way.
THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT DECIDED to go into srpaee—with its own Telstar, so that Mr. "imhleby can be bounced off the moon. Mr. Mac- Millan made it clear he intends to remain Prime Minister, a considerable shock to the 62 per cent of the Gallup Poll published the same day who thought he should retire at once. The Commons were told scarifying details of Russia's fleet of four hundred submarines and that Britain is to build four Polaris subs. Meanwhile the Arts Council is to receive a bigger grant, the Fords Inquiry paid a quick visit to Dagenham, the National Incomes Commission plodded on with its thankless task, and the Navy was rumoured to be scared stiff of another Far East crisis blowing up ki case it is forced to mothball dozens of ships because of chronic shortage of trained staff. But a, Commons Estimates Committee revealed that however short of trained staff the Navy may be it
still has enough admirals to stock out the Western Alliance.
THE ONLY ARMY CANDIDATE to get past the vetting C241 ..tittee announced his standing was just a "angle to get out of the Army, and that he is not going to stand at Rotherham. But a strip-club owner is standing at Colne Valley, with no Promises of Riling the gaps between the major Parties. Jimmy Edwards became a Tory candidate .Paddington, admitted he had just the day before blamed the Tory Party, but claimed he bad been the wa
the war he was offered the Tunisian Order
of Chastity (Fourth Class) but had to refuse as only generals and admirals had it'.