Eighty-one Labour councillors from Liverpool and Lambeth lost their appeal in the High Court against being surcharged over £200,000 and banned from office for five years, penalties imposed for 'wilful misconduct' in failing to set a rate at the proper time last year. Mr Kinnock seemed reluctant to support the rebel councillors, but equally reluctant to be seen to desert them. Instead he said Labour would win the next election by being the patriotic party, but told Scots nationalists: 'There is no refuge in nationalism, no shelter in separation.' The Home Office said it was going to stop child wives entering Britain, after publicity given to the case of a 12-year-old Iranian wife living in Manches- ter. In Islington, a black council official was dismissed for 'sexually harassing' a woman by calling her a liar, a second official was suspended for 'racially haras- sing' the black official and the black official's union complained that his dismis- sal was 'racially biased'. A real and appall- ing case of sexual harassment, one of a plethora this week, took place at a west London vicarage, where the vicar's daugh- ter was raped. Her father and her boy- friend were forced to watch before being knocked unconscious with the vicar's crick- et bat. Police later arrested two men. Members of a jury wept on learning that Patrick Reilly, whom they had just acquit- ted of murdering seven-year-old Leonie Darnley, had earlier confessed to six other sex attacks. These were so abominable he was given three life sentences. Talks to end the tin crisis again collapsed. A manage- ment consortium bought the Vickers and Cammell Laird shipyards. Mr James Gul- liver, chairman of Argyll Group, which is trying to take over Distillers, said he would not resign over a false entry in Who's Who. It stated that he had been to Harvard, although he had only spent three weeks at Harvard Business School on a marketing course in 1954.
THE United States ordered the USSR to cut the number of staff at the Soviet, Ukrainian and Byelorussian missions to the United Nations in New York from 275 to 170 by 1988, on the grounds that many of them are spies. This is not thought to have offended Ukrainians or White sians, but it enraged the Soviets and Wa.' said to make the summit meeting s‘irjr Washington between Mr Reagan and Gorbachev, due for later this year lt likely to take place. Off Florida, 6' wreckage of the space shuttle's crew partment was found with astronaut!' remains still on board. In South Aftl.can' President Botha cancelled by proclamatl°,' the state of emergency and associated Pre; controls, but three American newsaleks were told to leave the country and blac„"ic continued to die in disturbances in bl,a".t townships. In Italy, it was reported la; Elisa Spinelli had once again bec°Into pregnant in order to avoid being sell! ' jail, a tactic she has used 13 times sttlar stealing a chicken in 1975. Villagers °II Malacca in Malaysia beat to death whom they regarded as one of a gang...,it thieves who turn into animals to corlIT s crimes. It was revealed that Prince Chari,ed and the Queen Mother had express,"d doubts about the Channel tunnel. lost another Test match in the West In AJSG some blamed Botham. AJSG