15 MARCH 1986, page 23

Christopher Dixon

Sir: When the mighty die, the press queues up to fawn; even journalists expire know- ing that they can count on damp-eyed tributes from other journalists. But when a......

Letters Music And The Upper Classes

Sir: It was interesting to read of the reactions of Peter Phillips CA class pre- judice', 11 January) to the National Gal- lery of Washington exhibition Treasure Houses of......

No News From Wapping

Sir: You have recorded many strange effects of the Fleet Street revolution. Since the Times transferred printing to Wapping at the end of January, as a postal subscri- ber I......

Forked Skis

Sir: I know my old friend Taki well enough not to follow closely in his footsteps in most areas, but at least thought myself safe to ski behind him. Instead (High life, 8......


Sir: Alexander Chancellor (Television, 1 March) may be interested to know that a 'Wally' is a person who does know not what a 'Wally' is. Robert Gilbert 47 Woodstock Road,......

The Spectator

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