The new Government of India ought to be in full
working order by June 20th. Lord Hartiugton is already seated as Great Mogul, declares that he stands aghast at the weight and complexity of Indian affairs, and is working at the facts with a will. Lord Ripon started for his Government on Thursday, with a strong staff, which includes Gordon Pasha as private secre- tary, and is accompanied by Sir Andrew Clarke, who returns to Council, though his term has nearly expired, sacrificing his leave to public duty. Thirty days ought to see the whole party in Simla or Calcutta, and at work ; but, unfortunately, the new Finance Minister will not have arrived. He has either not been selected, or the selection has not been made public. The necessity for celerity is apparent from the fact that on Thursday a new Rupee Loan of 23,130,000 nominal was offered for tender in Calcutta, a step which may have been inevitable, but is most inconvenient just before a complete statement of Indian finance will be presented to Parliament.