Trish Saints In Great Britain. By The Right Rev. Patrick
F. Moran, D.D. (M. H. Gill and Son.)—Bishop Moran has studied his subject carefully, and has produced a book which should rank as an authority. Unhappily, to mar its utility, it......
Rhymes And Recollections Of A Hand-loons Weaver. By...
Edited, with a biographical sketch, by W. Skinner. (A. Gardner, Paisley.)—This is a reprint of a little work that made some small noise in its day. Poor Thom was one of that......
What I Saw In Kaffir-land. By Sir Stephen Lakeman (mazhar
Pacha.) (Blackwood and Sons.)—Sir S. Lakeman's recollections refer to the Kaffir war of 1847, in which he served as a volunteer, leading a regiment of some such stuff as was......
The Psalms : The Authorised Version In The Original Rhythm.
By the Rev. W. Macdonald Sinclair. (Hatchards.)—The Psalms are arranged here according to their authorship, real or supposed, the editor following the titles, and so ascribing......
The Fathers, For Filiglish Readers. Saint Ambrose : His...
Times, and Teaching. By R. Thornton, D.D. (S.P.C.K.)—St. Ambrose is a remarkable proof of how far ecclesiastical order, even in the Orthodox Church, was from the stereotyped......
Art In The Mountains: The Story Of The Passion-play. By
Henry Blackburn. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Mr. Blackburn dwells, but not exclusively, on the artistic side of the Passion-Play, and while criticising a few details, none of them of......
Shorter Works In English Prose. Selected, Edited, And...
Henry Morley. (Cassell, Petter, and Galpin.)—This volume is part of the very useful and valuable "Library of English Literature," which Professor Morley has now been for some......
Old Glasgow : The Place And The People, From The
Roman Occupation to the Eighteenth Century. By Andrew MacGeorge (Blackie.)—Mr. MacGeorge's handsome volume is worthy, both within and without of the great town whose growth it......
Masters In History: Gabon, Grote, Macaulay, Motley. By...
Peter Anton. (Macniven and Wallace.)—These arc all interesting sketches, and may be read with at least some pleasure. In the fourth, Mr. Anton has found a subject comparatively......