Ned Sta f ford's Experiences in the United States. By Philip Milford.
(Sampson Low and-Co.)—Ned Stafford is the son of a Black-Country artisan, and follows his- father's business of tool-making. He emigrates to Canada, finds that he can earn good wages there, but not more than he had -earned in the Old Country, and accordingly seeks his fortunes in the States. Here, for a time, everything goes against him. There is great depression and want of work, and he thinks himself fortunate to get employment as a labnarer. Finally, he makes his way to Florida, and there finds everything that could be desired, a wife included. The moral of the book is " go to Florida" and plant oranges,—very good advice, doubtless, though even in Florida there are drawbacks, as, for instance, when a frost—never, of course, beard of in the country till the unlucky emigrant comes into it—cats down an orange orchard to-the ground.