The Chinese Government, Rather To The Surprise Of The Euro-
peans in Pekin, recently consented to the despatch of a mission from Calcutta to Thibet, and a carefully selected party will, at the end of a month, leave Darjeeling for Lhassa.......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury Moved Ou Thursday The Second...
of a Bill intended to diminish the abuse of patronage in the Church, in a speech in which he showed how strong the objections were to Mr. Leatham's Church Patronage Bill, read a......
Mr. M . Lare, Hi-ember For Stu Ttird, On Wed_needa,y...
203 to 103, the second reading of a Bill which materially modifies the method of settling compensation for land taken far public purposes. Hitherto the plan has been to assess......
The Socialists In Chicago Remain Cowed And Peaceable, But...
American pollee have discovered evidence both there and in Cincinnati that the anarchists had serious designs. Their idea was, at any risk, to give the propertied class a......
The Visit Of The Queen To Liverpool On Tuesday To
open an International Exhibition, was spoiled by the wretched weather but was still, in one way, a success. The people turned out in masses ; and though umbrellas interfere with......
Mr. Tuite (n. Westmeath) On Wednesday Carried, By 174 To
56, the second reading of a most extraordinary Bill. It is intended to reduce election expenses, but incidentally compels candidates who do not receive half as many votes as the......
Dank Bate, 3 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 10l A. to 101i'a.......
France Is Still Wealthy. The Peasantry And The Tradesmen...
in spite of the hard times, and in their distrust of other securities, and inability to employ their money, are eager-for Government Bonds. The new loan of twenty millions......
The President Of The Congregational Union For This Year, The
Rev. Edward White, delivered his address on Wednesday, one of great power. It was chiefly on the relation of grace to law in the Christian revelation, and deprecated the idea......