IF the world were ruled by reason and not by alternating paroxysms of panic and optimisticfatuity, there would seem nothing fantastic in regarding the unveiling, in Henry VIL's Chapel, of the memorial to Lord Cromer as the chief event of the week. If ever we as a nation needed inspiration in the conduct of affairs, and models of conduct in wisdom, in moderation, in courage, in faithfulness, and in duty, it is now. And no model could be better than that afforded us by Lord Cromer. This is not an empty generalization. It is a plain statement of fact. Let us follow the example ourselves by being specific, as was always Lord Cromer. The essential need of the time is a reduction of national expenditure. But the only practicable method for uch reduction is what has been well described as the rationing of the great spending Departments. Here, if anywhere, Lord Cromer can help us. When he took over the government of Egypt the State was on the very edge of bankruptcy. Lord Cromer saved it by such rationing as we have described. The Departments had so much given to them to spend and no more. They had to make the best use they could of it.