The Present Writer Well Remembers In The " Nineties "
of last century congratulating Lord Cromer on the miracle, as it seemed, of being able to obtain both Efficiency and Economy. "There is no miracle," replied Lord Cromer. "The......
The Polish And Ukrainian Armies, After Defeating The...
rapidly advanced and occupied Kieff on Friday week. They are now endeavouring to free the Ukraine. The Ukrainians have already secured Odessa. The success of this campaign......
M. Millerand Announced On Tuesday That The General...
of Labour would be prosecuted for violating the law of 1884, which protects Trade Unions in "the study and defence of their economic, commercial, and agricultural interests." As......
_news Of The Week.
I F the world were ruled by reason and not by alternating paroxysms of panic and optimisticfatuity, there would seem nothing fantastic in regarding the unveiling, in Henry VIL's......
The Turkish Peace Treaty Was Handed To The Turkish Delegatei
in Paris on Tuesday. Turkey is to retain in Europe the Constan- tinople district up to the Chatalja lines. A League of Nations Commission will control the Straits, which are to......
Signor Nitti, The Italian Premier, Was Defeated In The...
on Tuesday and has resigned. The nominal cause of his fall was a minor dispute in regard to the Post Office. The Socialists and the Clericals combined against him and refused a......
Mexico Has Undergone Another Revolution Of The Usual...
Carranza, the President, had to flee from his capital last Sunday, after having his political prisoners butchered. He owed his maintenance of power from 1915 onwards to the......
• * The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any Articles
or letters eubmitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do hie beet to return contributions in case of rejection.......