The Turkish Peace Treaty was handed to the Turkish delegatei
in Paris on Tuesday. Turkey is to retain in Europe the Constan- tinople district up to the Chatalja lines. A League of Nations Commission will control the Straits, which are to be free in peace or war to all ships ; the fortifications within twelve miles of the coast are to be destroyed. Turkey is to cede Thrace to Greece and accept a Greek administration in Smyrna and the neighbour- hood for five years, after which the inhabitants may determine their political future. Turkey is to recognize the independence of Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria., and the Hedja,z, and to grant autonomy to Kurdistan. President Wilson is to be asked to fix the western frontier of Armenia. Turkey is to reduce her Army to 50,000, and is forbidden to maintain a navy or an air force. Her finances will be controlled by an Allied Commission, including British, French, and Italian delegates. Turkey is specially required to accord equal treatment to all her subjects, without distinction of nationality, race, or religion. She has never done so, and, we fear, never will. But if this part of the Treaty is violated, it is stipulated that the Allies may " modify " the clause leaving Constantinople with its non-Turkish majority to the Sultan.