No doubt Mr. Lloyd George was right when he said
that Liberal Coalitionists had still much support in the country. Almost while the unseemly scenes at Leamington were going on Sir llamas Greenwood was being successfully returned as a_ Liberal Coalitionist. On the other band, the whole party apparatus remains in the possession of Mr. Asquith. Disraeli said that Sir Robert Peel had "caught the Whigs bathing and, walked off with their clothes," but Mr. Asquith has donemore and walked off with the bathing machine—or, to be precise, the electoral machine. The interesting question now arises : Mutt, will Mr. Lloyd George do to provide himself with- a machine ? Mr. Harold Spender, Mr. Lloyd George's biographer, has informed, us -that .Mr. Lloyd George attaches the greatest importance to " the machine." A machine, therefore, he must have, and he- will not be happy till he gets it Probably those who are aware of the enormous difficulty and expense of creating a new machine willItry to end the strife in the liberal Party. We -are likely -to hear-many rumours of pacification.