Looking Forward. By C. F. Higham, M.P. (Nisbet. 12s. 13d.
aet.)—Mr. Ingham rightly believes that "uninformed demo- cracies are the greatest danger confronting modern States." But his proposed remedy in the shape of a Government Pub- licity Department might be worse than the disease. Our ex- perience of the "Information Bureaux" set up by various Departments has been disappointing. Mr. Higham has great faith in the power of the advertisement, but we should not care to trust any Government with unlimited funds for "publicity." He declares that he wants to make known "facts," not to conduct "propaganda." But what are " facts " as distin- guished from " fancies " ? " Facts " may be presented in such a way as to be entirely misleading ; half a truth is often more dangerous than a downright lie. As education spreads and deepens, the uninformed democracy will cease to be a danger to itself and others. We fear that there is no short cut to the millennium by way of the paid State advertisement.