It's a Crime The Sands of Windee. By Arthur Upfield:
(Angus and Robertson, 15s.) Bony and the Mouse. By Arthur Upfield. (Heinemann, 13s. 6d.) Arthur Upfield had a long and successful middle period in which he captivated us with his half-aboriginal detective, Napoleon Bonaparte, of the Queens- land Police, but more particularly with the harsh landscape he saw and drew under the uncom promising Australian sky. Here, one of his earliest works (which the publishers ought to have men- tioned was written some thirty years ago) shows - if you think it worth borrowing—what a stilted. long-winded apprenticeship he and Bony served: and his latest, Bony and the Mouse, though slick and self-assured, is also a sight more slapdash. Nowadays, the creation of one out-of-the-ordinary character is not enough: let Mr. Upfield observe how careful Simenon still is with plot, and how cunning With atmosphere.