Israel And The Arabs Sir,—mr. Connell Says That Israel's...
is'`for peace and stability within her own borders.' But what do the Zionists consider these borders to be? Herd founded the movement. He wanted Palestine. There would be a......
Sir.—mr. Hyde's Exposure Of The Deliberate Use Of...
fear by the Ulster Unionists is all too t rue. Probably if anyone else had written the article I Would hasten to congratulate him. In the case of Mr. Hyde one only feels......
Sir,—if Mr. John Connell Would Read Commander...
published here by John Calder, he would find that Israel's 'stringently limited retaliatory action' involved such methods as the destruction of Arab houses with the families......
Mental Health Detentions Sir,-1 Was Glad To Read Pharos's...
to the illegal detention of Miss Edith Haithwaite. I wonder if your readers realise that some 2,700 persons arc still detained in mental deficiency institutions under orders......
Ulster S. Knox Cunningham, Mp, Samuel I. Watt Israel And
the Arabs M. G. lonides, Daphne Slee And Now Nyasaland T. R. M. Creighton Mental Health Detentions Elizabeth A. Allen Strength Out of Weakness Christopher Hollis Talent and More......
And Now Nyasaland Sir,-1 Am Grateful To Mr. L. F.
G. Anthony for drawing attention in your last issue to an error in my letter which you published on April 10. Of course the statement that 'agriculture [in Nyasaland] had not......