15 MAY 1959, Page 31


ACROSS 1 It looks as it' Alice is both athlete and scholar! (4-4) 5 The fans in pursuit or the Inter- national player? (3-3) 9 Ecclesiastical spouter (8) 10 But such a labourer is not necessarily careless (6)

12 An obscure one became renowned 1 13 What hat a fuss—that's all you'll 2 get! (9)

14 Soft-centres were obviously re- 3 tecteal by Henry V (4-3) 18 One would need mighty scales in 4 the case of the Tay or the Forth! (5-7) 21 Pursue the modest girl with a 6 flower? (3-6)

23 'There's likewise a wind on the 7

—' (Borrow) (5) 8 24 Electrically I'm followed by a 11 confused noise (6)


CoMmitted by those who don't think one's enough (6) 'And that — which men miscall delight' (Shelley) (6) Saplings display a round gash (6-3) No doubt the hen's cackle em- bodies the stone-layer's atherbs (4. 3, 5) You'll find it in a coma half- concealed (5) Newspapers for runners? (3) Friend celebrated in verse 18) The successful wrestler, perhaps, after a bout? (3, 3, 6)

25 'Lord or the lordly sea, Earth's mightiest sailor he (Watson) (3)

26 You must make allowances here! (6) 27 The subjects of Gray's Elegy were decidedly so (8) A,Iiist prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of

* look token for one guinea will he awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on May 26. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,044, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on May 29 15 Where there is 'welcome on the mat'? (4. 5) l6 Now, Dingo, you've done it by yourself (3, 51 17 The girl creeps up the wall in such a state! (3) 19 Whales took a snap for a start (6) 20 Macbeth told the doctor to throw it to the dogs (6) 22 Where to lind the waves'? (5)
