MR. KNOX CUNNINGHAM suggests in our correspon- dence columns that
'it would be hard to imagine the BBC broadcasting, at the time of the killing of a British serviceman's wife in Cyprus, a repeat programme in which one of the speakers praised the idealists of EOKA.' It would indeed be hard; which is one of the reasons why the BBC has fallen into such contempt. There are many people, and I happen to be one of them, who believe that the Cyprus struggle could have been ended long ago if the British public had not been encouraged in the belief that EOKA was simply a gang of murderers who would soon get their deserts. It was because this was the official line that destruction and murder established themselves as everyday events on the island, creating habits of violence which will take years to eradicate. In any case, Mr. Knox Cunningham is, in error in thinking it was a repeat programme that was banned. It was a different programme—which made the Corpora- tion's action even more ridiculous.
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