REPORTS that Silistria had been taken by storm, and the Prince of Wirtemberg defeated by Omer Vrione, have been contradicted. The Emperor Nicholas has returned to St. Petersburg. Hence the campaign is considered at an end ; and politicians give the winter to the diplomatists to patch up a peace with the belligerents. The Emperor continues his levies of men ; and even demands re- cruits from districts which formerly compounded their service for money. To conciliate the Poles, and warm the religious enthu- siasm of his troops, Nicholas has ordered a martial monument, out of the cannon taken at Varna, to the inemory of Wladislaus, King of Poland, who was killed before that fortress, " fighting under the standard of Christ." It is to be erected at Warsaw.
Notwithstanding the loss of Varna, the Sultan is said to carry the same unbending disposition—to be incessant in his warlike preparations—and resolved not to treat with the Autocrat till he pass into his own territory.