CHANGE OF POLITICAL. BCGBEATIS.—The politicians who alarm themselves and would alarm others with the idea of the Russians conquering the world. may derive a hint from the......
The Universities.
OXFORD, November, 13.-This lay the following degrees were conferred. Bache- lor and Doctor in. Divinity, by areamulation-Arthur Benoni Evans, St. John's Col- lege. blesfers of......
East India Shipping. Friday Evening.
We are still without an arrival from India, but the change of wind which took place on Thursday morning gives us reason to expect that another week will put us in possession of......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Er RTIIS.-On the 10th inst. Lady Harriet Baring, of a son and heir-On the 9th inst. at Earl's-terrace, Kensington, the Lady of Sir Gregory A. Lewin, of a (laughter -The wife of......
Bodes Published During The Week.
s. d. Stark's Elements of Natural History 2 vols. 8vo. boards . . Murray's Manual of Chemical Science, second edition, 12mo. boards Beauties of De Sales, 18mo. boards . . . .......
Partnerships Dissolved,
C. S. Oldfleld and J. Dyer, Bristol, saddlers' ironmongers-J. Hetherington, R. Maskew, R. Bowley, and S. Smith, Barge-yard, Bucklersbury, wholesale tea-dealers -H. Craven, S.......