We are still without an arrival from India, but the change of wind which took place on Thursday morning gives us reason to expect that another week will put us in possession of intelligence from the East.
Arrived.-At Calcutta, about the end of May, H. C. S. Reliance, Timmins, from London.
Sailed.-From Gravesend, Nov. 8, Eliza, Dixon, for Bombay. 9th, Maria, Steel, for St. Helena. Jane, Elsworthy, and Saucy Jack, Kent, for New South Wales. 13th, Flinn, Phillipsou, for the Cape, and Princess Royal, Sherwood, for New South Wales.
The Prince Regent, Scott, from Liverpool to Bombay, has put into Kingston, leaky, having been on the Kish Bank. The lllethnsa, Johnson, from London to Batavia, put into Lisbon on the 27th Oct. having lost her foremast and topmasts in a severe gale on the 24th, in lat. 42, long. 11.
Arrived.-Off Portsmouth, Nov. 14, Norfolk, Redman, from Bengal, sailed 1st June. H. M. S. Champion, from Penang 16th June, Mauritius 10th August, and St. Helena 17th Sept. At St. Helena, Columbus, from Sumatra. At Mauritius, Ceylon, Davidson, from London, and Stentor, from Portsmouth.
Spoken.-London, Futheringham, front Batavia to London, 17th Sept. 2 south IS west, with mainmast sprung. Simpson, from London to Bombay, 19th Sept. 3 north, 20 west. George Canning, from Liverpool to New South Wales, 22d Sept. 9 north, 21 west.