15 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 3

CATHOLIC AssociartoN.—At a meeting of this body on Thursday week,

Mr. O'Connell reported that Dr. Doyle was assaulted on the evening of the 4th, by a gang of upwards of two hundred, who, as the Doctor passed the statue of King William, required him to take off his hat to their idol. The police looked quietly on. In reference to some violent proceedings of the Orangemen in the North, the Rev. Mr. Goodwin reported, that he had got twelve affidavits sworn before Lord Rossmore ; one of them to this effect— that the Orangemen had said, that if emancipation was granted, and the King acceded to it, his " Majesty would be beheaded and dethroned." Mr. O'Connell observed, that upon these affidaVits he would ground an application to Government, to have the King's troops and a stipendary magistrate sent to the North. The rent for the week amounted to nearly 3001.

The Catholic Association, at a meeting on Tuesday, resolved to give Mr. Shiel a public dinner, for his "splendid" efforts at Penenden Heath, at the London Tavern.

The " Brunswick Convention," at the Rotunda, in Dublin. whose proceed- ings we noticed last week, is represented by the journals in the Catholic interest to have been a failure. A subsequent dinner at the Mansion-house is also said to have been dull and uninteresting, notwithstanding the numbers who were present. The health of the Lord-Lieutenant was given from the chair ; but was hissed by the " profane and reverend assembly," as the Dublin Evening Post designates those who were present. Lord William Paget was proposed, by the Earls of Milltown and Errol, as a member of the Kildare-street Club ; but lie was black-balled,—a fate, it is said, " which few respectable Protestants have hitherto experienced."

Dr. Magee, Archbishop of Dublin, has given 100/. to the funds of the Dublin Club of Bruuswickers.

The Common Council of Dublin has voted the freedom of the city to twelve hundred noblemen and gentlemen forming the various committees of the Brunswick Clubs throughout the kingdom. The principal object of this enormous enfranchisement is the return of a second Protestant Member for the city.

Lord Dunally still continues at the head of the poll. The votes now stand thus ; Dunally, 21 ; Castlemaine, 4.

The Morning Register says that the Catholic servants in Dublin are suffer- ing "cruel and unmerited persecutions," on account of their religion. Means are to be adopted for their relief.

It seems that troops are still going to Ireland. Within these few days two companies of the Royal Artillery have been sent off from Woolwich.

SEIZURE OF ABMs.—Notwithstanding all the oaths which have been taken to the contrary—notwithstanding all the point-blank contradictions which our statements have received, the fact of the importation of arms from Scot- land does not admit any longer of a doubt. Government have taken the alarm, and orders have been issued to the officers of customs, in the northern parts of Ireland, to seize such arms as the rebels endeavour to bring into the country. On the 6th instant, there arrived at Warrenpoint, in the port of Newry, the Lord Blaney, a steam-boat, with a package of those arms, marked " Hardware ;" which were seized. On the arms there was no mark, not even the maker's name. They were consigned to a person in the town of Newry, and addressed to a man in Enniskillen.—Dublin Evening Post, Tuesday.

Both Catholics and Protestants behaved so riotously in the streets of Dub- lin on the evening of the 4th, that the private correspondent of the Times says, they "could be assimilated to nothing but a town taken by storm and sacked by its captors." The " O'Connellites " attacked every well-dressed person with stones and sticks, under the impression that they were Orange- men; and the Orangemen were equally violent on the other hand. The streets were patrolled by parties of horse police and Scots Grays.

A run has, of late, taken place upon the Wexford and some other branches of the Provincial Bank of Ireland ; but without any other mischief than tem- porary embarrassment to the bankers, who have been largely supplied with gold from England. It is reported, however, that the bankers are about to contract their issues. Much mercantile distress may be the consequence of such a step.