SURELY Fate has decreed immortality to Mr. BRAHAM. If we have any powers of computation, this gentleman must be but a few years younger than ourselves, and consequently by this time a sexagenarian ; yet lie comes out every fresh season, renewing his strength like the eagles of holy writ. The general rule for choosing instruments is, to take a pianoforte new, a violin old, a voice at its meridian; but BRAHAM must be excepted to this— his pipe is sweetest in a green old age. In our memory he has sung more lustily, but never better than now. Years have im- proved him—the boisterousness of his former delivery is softened, the luxuriousness of his ornament pruned. He sang his old airs as Henry Bertram in Guy Mannering, at Drury Lane on Tuesday, with as much animation as ever. We are no lovers of theatrical singing generaliy,•but we can better pardon the popular style (as it is called) in the English than in the Foreign opera. If this gentleman continues to sing as he has done since his return to Drury Lane, it may be truly said that he has corrected much youthful extravagance.