Financial Notes (Continued from page 836.) LONDON MARITIME INVESTMENT.
At the recent annual meeting of the London Maritime Investment Co., Ltd., the Chairman, Sir F. Vernon Thomson, was able to make a very satisfactory statement of results for the past financial year. After paying a dividend on the Ordinary stock of 4 per cent., the balance forward is rather larger than a year ago. In the course of his address, Sir Vernon Thomson testified to the -success of the i` Shipping Assistance Act." Ire said " I have no, hesitation in stating 'thaf . the .GOverrituent nre to be. congratulated • upon the success of that Act which is definitely fulfilling. the objects for 'which -if vas =designed." • Later in his address, however, Sir Vernon expressed the opinion that freights will have to bemuch higher before the tramp shipping industry is again upon a satisfitetory basis.