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Giant Packs A habit among certain birds of " packing " on the approach of winter has been strangely magnified this year. The few species of birds that live in family parties......
Sanctuary.making Incidentally, On The Subject Of Birds...
Witherby, who is perhaps the most famous organiSer of the science of bird observation in the world, has recently published a little book by Miss E. L. Turner, the most......
Country Life
A November Swallow On November 5th a swallow was to be seen hawking flies over a common just north of London. No swallow had been seen for many days in the neighbourhood ; and......
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The Red Leg A number of queries about the French partridge have reached me. The bird is a close relation of the brown partridge —both are technically pheasants—and has almost......
Surrey Crossbills An Outstanding Event Of The Year Is The
arrival in England of that naturally gregarious bird, the crossbill, which has become a regular breeder with us within our generation, They have been recorded as numerous in......
An Inaudible Whistle
On the subject of keepers—a more or less new discovery (and consequent invention) is receiving support among trainers of sporting dogs. Long ago Charles Darwin and others empha-......
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Speed the Plough After one of the excellent ploughing, hedging and ditching competitions that have become general in the counties, the children of one elementary school at any......